How Different Types of Teas Can Benefit Diabetics

Black tea | Green tea | Hibiscus | Herbal tea | Monastery tea | Blooming Sally | Pharmacy herbs | What to drink tea with

Since ancient times, tea drinking has been a traditional ceremony in China and Turkey. In the 16th century, tea came to Russia from the East and was so expensive that only the tsar and the boyars could afford it. Its cost was 100 times that of caviar.

Today we drink tea every day. Many people start their day with a good cup of tea. Tea drinking gathers all family members at a common table. The Russian tradition of treating guests to tea is still alive. Often when inviting guests, we say: “Come in for tea!”

This drink is a wonderful thirst quencher and is good for the body. The antioxidants in tea prolong youthfulness and fight various infections.

With diabetes, tea becomes a real boon! The polyphenols it contains can influence the production and processing of insulin.

There are many types and varieties of this wonderful drink. Which tea for diabetes is better and more beneficial? You will learn about this by reading this article.

Black tea

Black tea is rich in polyphenols, due to which blood sugar decreases slightly. Polysaccharides slow down the action of glucose. That is why there is no sharp rise in sugar.

Unfortunately, tea cannot completely normalize the level of glycemia, but a portion of the black drink will have a positive effect on the body of a diabetic.

It is not recommended to drink strong tea only.

Green tea

Green tea contains more polyphenols and antioxidants than black tea. Therefore, it is more preferred by diabetics. Green tea also helps with lowering cholesterol, and also normalizes blood pressure.

And this acts as a prophylaxis against cardiovascular diseases, the risk of developing it in diabetics is quite high.


This drink is better known as red and is loved by many diabetics. It has nothing to do with the traditional tea bush. Prepared from the Sudanese rose, or rather from its dried flowers.

Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C, which is very beneficial for the body. The anthocyanins contained in it strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. Hibiscus lowers blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol.

Hibiscus tea gives vigor, strength and energy.

If you are worried about high blood pressure, then hibiscus flowers, as hibiscus is also called, should be poured with cold water at night. Do not brew with boiling water, namely pour cold water and drink on an empty stomach every morning.

In the form of compresses, this drink is also used for skin complications of diabetes.

For men, this tea acts as a natural potency stimulant.

Herbal tea

Chamomile tea is very good. It helps with various inflammatory processes. Possesses antimicrobial and sedative properties.

Chamomile tea is good to drink warm, but not hot.

You can drink chamomile with mint — it helps with diseases of the gallbladder. And it serves as a prophylaxis for kidney stones.

Linden tea significantly lowers blood sugar. It tastes good and is very healthy.

Used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

An invigorating dandelion drink can be a great alternative to coffee. In addition, it fights well against viruses and bacteria.

Stimulates the work of the pancreas, assisting in the production of insulin.

Blueberry leaf tea helps fight eye diseases. Lowers blood sugar due to its high inulin content. Saves skin from wrinkles and blemishes.

It is recommended to drink for burns and cuts.

Chinese tea and Kalmyk tea are very popular. Chinese, thanks to catechin, lowers sugar levels and improves overall well-being. Kalmyk — cleanses the skin, strengthens the immune system and regulates sugar.

Rosehip tea increases body tone, relieves fatigue and normalizes cholesterol levels.

But this tea is not recommended to drink for gastrointestinal diseases.

Tea with ginger improves metabolic processes in the body, regulates fat metabolism.

Ginger tea promotes weight loss, which is very important in type 2 diabetes.

Monastery tea

This tea is a carefully selected collection of medicinal herbs. These are chamomile, galega, bean shells, field horsetail, St. John’s wort, eleutherococcus and blueberries.

The collection is a natural medicinal raw material.

Provides unsurpassed effect for:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving vision;
  • lowering blood sugar;
  • lightening the load on the pancreas;
  • normalization of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • release from toxic deposits and excess cholesterol.

A real diabetic drink. For the best effect from this amazing collection, there are a number of rules for how to drink it:

  • warm, but not heated;
  • without sweeteners, and even more so without sugar;
  • with honey or lemon.

Blooming Sally

Ivan tea is a herbal drink. Possesses antimicrobial and calming effect. Strengthens immunity and vascular walls, normalizes metabolism. Increases the body’s sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

But be careful if you have varicose veins or hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis.

In these diseases, Ivan tea is contraindicated.

Pharmacy herbs

At the pharmacy, you can buy a variety of herbal preparations, packaged in convenient filter bags.

Phyto tea is very healthy and has a varied composition of herbs.

Evalar bio-tea for diabetes includes: nettle leaves, lingonberry, currant, goat’s rue, buckwheat and rose hips.

This drink is effective and useful, strengthens the immune system and resists various infections.

Arfazetin tea consists of: the fruits of blueberries and rose hips, St. John’s wort, chamomile and horsetail, green beans and Manchurian aralia root.

The herb is good for type 2 diabetes, as a hypoglycemic agent.

Oligim tea has the following herbs: goat’s rue, nettle leaves, currants, lingonberries, rose hips and buckwheat flowers.

What to drink tea with

With diabetes mellitus, you must adhere to a certain diet, which excludes flour and sweets.

But drinking tea without dessert is not very tasty.

You may ask, what can I drink the tea with? One sugar-free candy will definitely not harm you. You can also serve jelly with tea. Such a dessert will satisfy and bring a lot of pleasure.

Lemon or milk can be added to add flavor and aroma to the tea.

Milk tea has a positive effect on the nervous system. Concentration increases and memory improves.

In addition, efficiency is restored and the mood brightens.

A very popular drink with cinnamon and lemon. It perfectly refreshes and invigorates. It also promotes natural fat burning.

You can add some sweetness to your tea by adding a little fructose. Is it possible to read about fructose with diabetes here. Or try adding stevia.

It is an ideal sugar substitute for diabetic nutrition.

But in general, drinking sweet tea is not recommended.

Now you know how each type of tea is useful and you can choose the perfect option for yourself.