Beet Benefits for Diabetics

Benefits | Boiled or raw | Beet tops | Juice | Vegetable harm | Conclusion

For people with diabetes, the question “Is it possible?” Becomes an eternal topic. Because what we eat is particularly important to us. After all, this directly affects our health. One a sharp spike in sugar, could result in persistent hyperglycemia. And this already entails several negative consequences.

Diabetics can safely eat any vegetables. We all know beets since childhood. We know that it contains many nutrients and vitamins.

It also has medicinal properties. In addition, beets have a sweet taste. And that is what casts doubt on its use in diabetes.

Is it okay for diabetics to eat beetroot? In this article we will try to find the answer to this question.

The benefits of the root vegetable

The benefits of a vegetable lie in its composition.

This is a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Contains fiber and pectin.

In addition, beets are rich in vitamins:

  • PP, regulate higher nervous activity
  • And it affects the growth of the body, improves skin condition, affects the eyes;
  • E, promotes wound healing, stops the aging process, and has a beneficial effect on the brain, blood, nerves and muscles. In addition, it restores fertility;
  • C, improves immunity, improves vascular elasticity;
  • B1, has a positive effect on the nervous system and muscle function;
  • B6, participates in the exchange of fatty and amino acids;
  • B2, regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates; necessary to maintain normal eye function;
  • B9, provides the processes of growth and development of tissues, is necessary for the processes of hematopoiesis.

Do not forget about macronutrients and microelements:

  • iron, a part of hemoglobin, is involved in the processes of energy release, cholesterol metabolism and in the provision of immune functions;
  • iodine, regulates biochemical reactions in the body, body temperature, the exchange of vitamins, the process of growth and development of the body, including the neuropsychic;
  • cobalt, participates in the formation of thyroid hormones, promotes the excretion of water by the kidneys;
  • copper is very important for maintaining the structure of bones, cartilage, tendons, elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, pulmonary alveoli, skin. Increases the body’s resistance to infections, enhances the effect of antibiotics;
  • zinc plays a huge role in the process of skin regeneration, hair and nail growth, strengthens the immune system;
  • molybdenum, performs the function of regulating the metabolism of uric acid;
  • manganese contributes to the normal functioning of muscle tissue, cartilage and bone.

Beetroot contains sugar, organic acids and betaine.

As you can see, this is a real “pharmacy” that heals the body at any level.

Boiled or raw?

The most popular is red beet.

The calorie content of a vegetable crop is 100 grams of the product: 40 kcal — for raw; and 49 kcal — boiled.

For diabetes mellitus, it is better to eat raw beets.

What is the reason for this? When beets are cooked, carbohydrates increases dramatically. The absorption rate of sugar is increased. For patients with type 1 diabetes, the changes seem to be insignificant. Because insulin can compensate for the increase in sugar.

But with type 2 diabetes, it is better to eat the vegetable raw. And boiled — to use only in complex dishes: in salads and borscht.

The longer the beets are cooked, the faster it will raise sugar.

The glycemic index of raw vegetables is 30, and that of boiled root vegetables is 65.

The longer the beets are cooked, the softer and tastier they will be. And the better and faster it will raise sugar.

Beet tops: benefits

In addition to root crops, beet tops are also useful.

Since it contains more fiber than the amount of carbohydrates, blood sugar also raises gradually, without jumps.

It contains vitamin A like carrots.

Beet juice

Beet juice is no less useful: the most valuable substances are contained in concentrated form.

Due to its high concentration, it is best taken diluted with carrot or apple juices, in a 1:10 ratio.

Beet juice:

  • slows down the growth of tumors,
  • enhances immunity,
  • reduces pressure
  • removes stones from the liver, kidneys and gallbladder,
  • normalizes the level of hemoglobin and cholesterol,
  • removes slags,
  • taken for constipation.

With increased acidity and ulcers, you cannot drink it.

Because beets are irritating to the intestines.

In order for  juice to be as beneficial as possible, you must observe the following precautions:

  • drink it 3 hours after preparation (during after this time, some of the active elements will disintegrate);
  • it is necessary to start treating diabetes with beets with minimal dosages, gradually increasing the portion;
  • drink no more than ½ glass at a time;
  • drink a maximum of 2 glasses of juice per day;
  • can not be used simultaneously with acidic foods and yeast products.

Vegetable harm

Despite the many useful properties, the use of beets has a number of “harmful” properties. It:

  • increased blood sugar when consumed in large quantities;
  • complication of the process of assimilation of calcium by the body;
  • bowel irritation;
  • the negative effect of oxalic acid on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • iodine has a negative effect on thyroid diseases.

Summing up

Answering the question: “Is it possible or not to eat beets?” — the answer is unequivocal — “Yes”.

So, experts recommend eating beets 1-2 times a week.

Thus, you will not receive any harm, but on the contrary, you can strengthen the general condition of the body.

As for the GI of the product, it can be somewhat reduced by culinary tricks.

To preserve fiber, you need to grind the vegetable to a minimum.

Better to cut into large cubes or slices rather than grating.

It is better to eat beets along with proteins and vegetable fats, this slows down the process of breaking down polysaccharides.

The most successful option for eating beets is vinaigrette. But with diabetes it needs to be undercooked a little.

For the acid, add sauerkraut or cucumbers. It is better to replace potatoes with high-protein cooked beans. And fill all this with vegetable oil.

There is one more nuance in the preparation of this salad: it is necessary to change the proportions of the products.

It is better to add more cucumbers, cabbage and beans, but less boiled beets and carrots.