Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

Causes of diabetes in women | Early signs of diabetes | Weakness

Some doctors label diabetes as a dormant disease, because sometimes it can go away without symptoms, or the manifestations are not alarming, and do not cause anxiety. It often happens that the patient goes to the doctor when the disease has passed the initial stage and may have led to complications.

It is important, when diabetes develops, to recognize the initial symptoms in women, since it is women that are more likely to encounter difficulties associated with this disease.


Causes of diabetes in women

The main cause of diabetes in women is a genetic predisposition. When both parents have diabetes, the probability of a child developing the disease is 50%. In this case, even with the right diet and prevention, the process cannot be stopped. At the same time, even if people are healthy, and the process is programmed, then there will be no successful measures, only therapy.

There are also causes of diabetes such as:

  • extra weight – the large amount of fat in the body leads to a hindrance to the natural process of glucose uptake. This factor is specific to type two diabetes, developing after 40 years of age;
  • virus – a special danger comes from diseases that are transferred as a child;
  • stress, overwork – this applies to women over 30, worrying about family, relatives, children;
  • bad habits.

Factors of the development of the disease have differences, based on the type.

Autoimmune diseases when antibodies are produced by the body against its own cells. Insulin ceases to be produced.

Infection of a viral nature provokes the disease. Often this happens when they have been transferred – influenza, rubella, mononucleosis, hepatitis. When the pancreatic beta cells are affected by the virus, the body produces specific antibodies.

Change in cellular immunity.

When type 2 diabetes develops, the performance of sugar by beta cells is not impaired.


Early signs of diabetes

The initial stage of diabetes may not manifest itself in any way for several years. During this time, the disease slowly destroys the body, while the diabetic will not even suspect that they have diabetes.

Diabetes is more often experienced by women. This is due to the fact that they have more stress in life than men. Therefore, knowledge is important which first signs of the disease develop in women.

There are certain symptoms of diabetes in women, in the event of which you need to immediately consult a doctor.

  • Weakness is constantly felt, working capacity is lowered, fatigue. These symptoms, of course, are observed in various diseases, while the developing early signs of diabetes in women, even having a rest, psychologically relieving thoughts, do not recede.
  • The diabetic complains of a state of drowsiness, lethargy. This is especially noticed when the patient eats. In this case, the first signs of diabetes in a woman are observed daily, as she eats.
  • The oral cavity is overdried all the time, and a feeling of thirst develops – this sign indicates a present disease. The patient drinks all the time and is never satisfied. This manifestation is alarming and requires a visit to the doctor.
  • An increase in urine volume is a logical symptom, since with endless drinking of liquids this leads to frequent visits to the bathroom.
  • A constant feeling of hunger – those who are affected by diabetes want to eat all the time, because hunger is felt. Sweet foods are often consumed.
  • If a woman has type 1 diabetes, then her weight will quickly and sharply drop.
  • Itchy skin is a rare sign, but it does occur. The manifestation is mainly observed in the inguinal part.
  • Skin problems – the appearance of ulcers on the body is possible.

These signs are often first indication of diabetes in women.