How and What to Eat for a Snack with Diabetes

Why is a snack so important | The principles of a good snack

Hello! With diabetes, you need frequent meals in small portions. It includes three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. As well as snacks between main meals and before intense physical activity. And the blood sugar level directly depends on the right snacks. In this article, we will talk about how and what to eat for a snack with diabetes.

Why is a snack so important?

Skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, or skipping a snack can trigger a dramatic change in blood sugar. In order to avoid this, you need to eat every 1.5-2 hours in small portions.

When a person eats a lot and in large portions, he not only overeats, but also harms his body. A metabolic disorder occurs, and food is poorly absorbed. The result is excess weight, which leads to failure of all human systems and organs.

It is much easier for the body to process food that comes in small portions and gradually. The metabolism is much better. And there is no concern for the body.

A snack can supress hunger that has arisen and provide the body with high performance. A small snack, taken 1.5-2 hours after a meal, stimulates the production of insulin. The ideal number of snacks is 3, these are: lunch, afternoon tea and evening tea.

You just need to remember that the last time you can eat is 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Snacks serve a very important function — they “prevent” hypoglycemia. Prevents blood sugar from dropping between meals. Incidentally, the insatiable feeling of hunger just arises for this reason. And,  “maintains” sugar at the same level, without giving sharp jumps.

The principles of a good snack

Doctors recommend that type 1 and type 2 diabetics follow a number of rules for snacks:

  • eat slowly, chewing thoroughly and in small portions;
  • follow a low-carb diet;
  • do not use fast food as a quick snack;
  • before a meal, drink half a glass — a glass of water;
  • do not eat while walking or in front of a computer monitor.

In the morning, snacks in the form of fruits with a low glycemic index are good. They contain small amounts of carbohydrates and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is better to eat fruits separately from other food products, when combined with other products, such processes as fermentation and gas formation could accur.

You can also eat vegetables raw or cooked. An excellent option would be a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil. This is especially important for office workers when there is not enough time for a snack.

In the afternoon, fermented milk products will be an ideal form of snack: cottage cheese, casserole or cheese cakes, kefir, yogurt.

You need to plan your diet in advance and what to take as a snack with you to work. To avoid the temptation to have a snack with the first pie or chocolate that comes along. A proper snack will not only preserve human health, but also the figure and nerves.

Be healthy! See you!