Benefits of Mushrooms for Diabetes

Benefits and harm | Kombucha | Chaga | Milk mushroom | Shiitake | Conclusion

Diet therapy for diabetes mellitus is the basis of productive treatment and it eliminates the consumption of foods high in fat and carbohydrates. But at the same time, it is necessary that the diet of a diabetic should be varied.

Mushrooms for diabetes are ideal. They diversify the menu and contain many useful substances. In addition, mushrooms are used to stabilize blood sugar. In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties of mushrooms and whether or not they can be eaten and used for treatment.

Benefits and harm

Mushrooms do not belong to the group of plants or to the group of animals. They are considered fungus

Mushrooms contain a lot of nutrients, low in calories, which is very important for people with type 2 diabetes who are overweight.

The lecithin found in mushrooms prevents cholesterol buildup. And the glycemic index of the product is only 10-15 units. But they are poorly digested by the body. From this, it is contraindicated for use in people with liver disease.

You can eat any mushrooms for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but not too often — about 100 g per week. Only the use of pickled and salted mushrooms is not recommended.

Kombucha in the treatment of diabetes

Kombucha is widely known. Many people use it in the treatment of various diseases: tonsillitis, of an infectious nature, of the gastrointestinal tract and as a cosmetic.

For the preparation of the product, yeast, sugar and bacteria are used, which form alcohol during the fermentation process. Due to this, the drink has a sweet and refreshing taste and has an effervescent effect. But sugar in diabetes is an unaffordable luxury.

And, besides, alcohol prevents the formation of glucose and this is dangerous with the onset of hypoglycemia.

Chaga for diabetes

Chaga is another famous species.

It is believed that it has a hypoglycemic effect, tones up and increases efficiency.

To prepare an infusion of chaga, it must be collected very early — in the spring, before the birch leaves bloom. It was at this time that he was enriched with birch sap. Usually, the insides of chaga are collected by removing the bark from it. Then dry it is crushed and poured with warm water in a ratio of 1: 5. Heat and, without allowing to boil, remove from heat. Keep for 2 days in a dark place.

Strain before use and store in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours. They drink 100 ml — 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 14-28 days.

I would like to note that this is not a panacea for diabetes and, moreover, has a rather unpleasant taste.

Milk mushroom

In folk medicine, milk mushroom is also used.

Kefir from it is recognized as the strongest and most harmless natural antibiotic.

It removes toxins from the body, promotes weight loss, cleans blood vessels, resolves tumors, strengthens hair, and whitens the skin. And the list of its useful actions is not limited to this.

To prepare kefir, 2 teaspoons of home-grown milk mushroom are poured into 250 ml of regular room temperature cow’s milk. Keep for 24 hours until the components are completely mixed, filter and drink.

Despite the positive properties of milk mushroom, it has a very important disadvantage for a type 1 diabetic — it neutralizes the effect of insulin. Therefore, it is quite obvious that it should not be taken with this type of disease.


Another species that is gaining popularity is the shiitake mushroom. This is the legend and pride of Asian cuisine.

It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetes, viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and coronary artery disease, as well as multiple sclerosis.

Nutritionists claim that the Chinese shiitake mushroom is able to defeat obesity.

But only that mushroom that is grown in natural conditions has beneficial properties. It should be remembered that it should not be consumed by children with asthma and allergies.

For treatment, use alcohol or water tincture, but can also be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets and capsules.

There are quite a few reviews about this product, most of which are positive.


So, is it possible to eat mushrooms with diabetes? You can eat mushrooms, but in moderation — no more than 100 grams. in a week. It is better to choose boiled or stewed oyster mushrooms.

Eliminate fried porcini mushrooms. This product will add variety to the diabetic’s diet and fill the body with useful substances.

Is the mushroom useful in treating diabetes? Despite the beneficial qualities, it is still necessary to consult a doctor before using various tinctures from mushrooms.

Remember, they are not a substitute for injections of insulin or taking antidiabetic drugs. Do not self-medicate!