Insulin Injections: How and Where

Insulin injection sites | Algorithm for performing injection

Do you know that according to statistics, over 32 million in the US live with diabetes? This is the number of identified patients only! And every year more than 200 thousand people die with this disease. It is impossible to predict in advance what awaits the patient. Complications do not depend on age.

The treatment of the disease is based on insulin therapy, low-carbohydrate diet therapy, and moderate physical activity. And the life of many people with diabetes depends on how correctly and accurately the injection of insulin is delivered. After all, the correct administration of insulin avoids numerous complications. The technique of introducing subcutaneous insulin injection will be discussed in this article.

Insulin injection sites

Diabetics must inject insulin on their own and every day. And sometimes several times a day.

Quite often, this procedure is associated with a feeling of pain and discomfort.

This indicates that the administration of the hormone is not carried out correctly.

Where is the hormone injected? Insulin is put only subcutaneously and only in certain places. The following areas are suitable for subcutaneous injections:

  • in the shoulder — from the shoulder to the elbow joint;
  • in the stomach — both sides of the navel;
  • under the shoulder blade;
  • in the thigh — from the groin to the knee joint.

A better option is the abdomen. Because when the drug is administered, 90% enters the bloodstream. The effectiveness of injections in the shoulder and thigh is 70%. Insulin is rarely placed under the scapula. And it’s inconvenient.

Long-acting insulin is recommended to be injected into the abdomen, thigh, or shoulder. The short-acting hormone is best placed in the buttock, abdomen, or thigh.

Algorithm for performing injection

Injections can be made with insulin syringes or syringe pens. This does not change the injection algorithm.

  1. Take the required dose of the drug.
  2. Form a skin fold with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. Insert the needle at a 45 ͦ or 90 ͦ angle.
  4. Slowly release the syringe plunger.
  5. Withdraw the needle after 10 seconds.

The injection site should be 5 centimeters from the navel and 2.5 cm from moles and scars. Also, do not put an injection in places of bruises and abrasions.

To avoid side effects from the administration of the hormone, it is necessary to change the injection sites.

It is better to do it clockwise.

For example, inject into the abdomen 5 cm from the navel at the top left. The next time is at the bottom left. Then — at the bottom right and top right. Then move to your hips in the same way. This way the injection sites will have time to heal and will not cause you unnecessary trouble.