Wound Healing and Diabetes

Diabetic wounds | Means for fast healing

Wounds in the everyday life of any person are quite normal. This happens especially often with children, but adults are not immune from minor injuries. Even an experienced housewife can cut her finger in the kitchen. New shoes can chafe your heels. The reasons may be different and in order for the wound to heal faster, it must be properly treated. And if this is not done, then even a seemingly harmless wound will begin to inflame and fester. And this should not be allowed, because diabetes mellitus wounds can cause serious inconvenience and complications. In this article, you will learn how to properly provide first aid to yourself or a loved one in order to prevent infection from getting into the wound and not to leave post-traumatic scars.

Diabetic wounds

One of the features of the course of diabetes mellitus is poorly healing wounds. And this is a consequence of high blood sugar. Wounds on the legs are especially difficult to heal. Due to impaired blood circulation, fibers are destroyed and, as a result, diabetic foot syndrome.

If you find a wound on the body, then first of all it must be treated with an antiseptic in order to disinfect it and prevent suppuration. Chlorhexidine can be used to treat the wound.

Do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine in diabetes.

They can damage the skin and thereby exacerbate the situation. If disinfecting treatment is carried out in time, then no problems should arise.

But if, nevertheless, the skin around the wound turns red and inflamed, then it is necessary to resort to the use of antibacterial ointments and seek help from a doctor. This is necessary to avoid any further complications.

To treat wounds, you need:

  • only sterile bandages and cotton wool;
  • antiseptics;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • nourishing cream.

When treating wounds, you must:

  • take a comfortable position so that the affected part of the body is at rest;
  • use disposable gloves to avoid possible infection or contamination.

Treatment should be carried out immediately after the appearance of the wound. First, remove dirt and dead tissue using disposable gloves.

Never touch the wound with bare hands!

Means for fast healing

How to treat wounds? In the pharmacy, you can buy various products that accelerate wound healing.

The most common ointments for quick healing are Neosporin and bacitracin. But before using them, you need to study the instructions. There are contraindications.

  • Neosporin ointment is a versatile remedy used to treat wounds and ulcers, burns and dermatitis. Possesses microbicidal and regenerating properties. It is better to apply to a fresh wound that has been contaminated. But please note that it cannot be used on bleeding wounds. It has an effect that impairs blood clotting. Free of hormones, antibiotics and toxins. Can be used to heal wounds in children.
  • Bacitracin is suitable for wounds and burns of varying degrees. Contains two antibiotics — neomecin and bacitran. Possesses wound healing and bactericidal properties. Perfectly relieves inflammation.


  1. sikis izle November 12, 2020
    • Tikhoff November 16, 2020