Moisturized Skin with Diabetes

Why do my hands get dry | Hand cleansing | Moisturizing hands | Summing up

Today I will tell you how, through simple manipulations, you can “create” beautiful, healthy and well-groomed hands for yourself!

Why do my hands get dry?

Despite the fact that the skin with diabetes mellitus becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, it can return to its former freshness.

All changes in the skin, like other complications, occur under the influence of high blood sugar.

This happens because the disease disrupts the blood supply and dehydrates the skin.

So, you need to strive for normal blood sugar levels.

And for this you need to follow a certain diet.

The epidermis loses its elasticity due to a violation of the water-lipid balance.

Then you need to drink more water to moisturize the skin from the inside.

So, the daily recommended dose of water is 1.5 — 2 liters. Only water! This does not include juices, teas, etc.

Hand cleansing

Cleaning the hands requires a very delicate approach. They should be washed with liquid soap, or, in extreme cases, use a cream soap.

Liquid soap contains less concentrated detergent components that are easily washed off with water.

After washing, it is necessary to wipe dry, because water evaporating spontaneously dries the skin. Then apply a moisturizing hand cream.

This cream should always be at hand: on the shelf in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the car and in your bag.

Apply it every time after water submersion, and when applying — lightly massage each finger, as if you are putting on gloves.

A moisturizer for diabetes is best used with herbal extracts, aloe juice or glycerin.

Moisturizing hands

Another reason for dry skin of the hands is the lack of vitamins A and E. These are the vitamins that help to restore healthy appearance, youthfulness, and firmness to the skin of the hands.

Vitamin A helps to

  • moisturize the skin;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • maintains the elasticity of the skin.

Vitamin E for the skin plays such a role:

  • increases the level of regeneration;
  • participates in the process of collagen production;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • moisturizes the skin.

In addition, with regular intake of these vitamins, pigmentation, red spots, small wounds, and scars disappear.

Vitamins can be taken either in pure form or by adding them to the composition of masks and creams. In their pure form, they should be taken as follows:

  • carefully pierce the vitamin capsule with a thin needle;
  • drip the oil solution onto the skin of the hands;
  • rub in with light circular movements;
  • remove excess with a dry cloth or cotton pad without rinsing.

This procedure is best done before going to bed so that the skin is better saturated with nutrients, and in the morning, wash it off with water.

An easy-to-make mask with aloe juice moisturizes the skin very well. For this we take:

  • 1 teaspoon of aloe juice
  • 1 capsule of vitamin A;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • and your favorite hand cream.

We mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin of the handles. We hold the mask for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. The effect is amazing!

Summing up

Hand skin care should be comprehensive. That means:

  • maintaining normal sugar levels,
  • adherence to a diet for diabetes,
  • consumption of the required amount of water,
  • complex intake of vitamins,
  • cleansing,
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands.

The handles will look healthy, well-groomed, and beautiful, without signs of irritation, if you follow the simple daily “care rules”.

Hand skin care rules:

  • Wipe your hands dry after each contact with water!
  • Apply a moisturizer at least twice a day! Better after each contact with water.
  • Wash your hands with warm water, not cold or hot!
  • Use only mild pH neutral cleansers!
  • Use household gloves during household work!

Well-groomed hands for diabetes are possible! If you follow these simple tips, your hands will always be healthy and beautiful!