Why Diabetes Continues Its Triumphant March Around The World

Don’t joke with diabetes, because a frivolous attitude towards this kind of disease can end very badly. That is why every person at risk (who have “threshold” blood sugar) must strictly follow the recommendations of nutritionists to limit carbohydrate intake.

Usually every patient knows his own rate of consumption of potatoes, bread, dates, grapes. The only problem is that, as a rule, patients receive only standard general recommendations, which, alas, do not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. That is why type 2 diabetes mellitus continues its triumphant march around the world.

The generally accepted recommendations of nutritionists do not work for one simple reason: the reaction of each patient to different types of carbon is individual, and, above all, it depends on the composition of the intestinal microflora, lifestyle and other characteristics of the body.

Professor Eran Segal, Weizmann Institute (Israel),

Scientists led by Professor Segal, working on the “personalized nutrition” project, have confirmed this hypothesis in the course of serious experiments and, based on the results obtained, they have compiled a self-learning computer algorithm that can accurately determine what foods are “harmful” for an individual because they provoke an excessive increase in blood glucose levels. Hyperglycemic reactions of this kind indicate a violation of the mechanism of glucose breakdown and are a symptom of a prediabetic state.

The study of the specificity of glycemic reactions in 800 patients showed that individual reactions to carbohydrates differ significantly: there are people “sensitive” and “insensitive” to the amount of carbohydrates. In addition, the study confirmed a recent finding that the combination of fats and carbohydrates causes less dramatic rise in blood glucose. But, according to Israeli scientists, everything is individual here.

The study of the specificity of glycemic reactions showed that individual reactions to carbohydrates differ significantly: there are people “sensitive” and “insensitive” to the amount of carbohydrates.

For some, sugar can jump sharply even after eating a piece of bread without butter, but a piece of bread and butter in these same patients does not cause a similar reaction. Observations of the reaction of other people did not reveal such a pronounced “protective” effect of fats.

However, manifestations of other general laws are also individual. Water and alcohol reduce the manifestation of glycemic reactions after eating; on the other hand, salt and blood cholesterol levels are detrimental. But in both cases, all the effects in different people are expressed in different ways.

Currently, research in this area continues and now scientists are forming a group of volunteers to conduct further clinical trials of their method. As part of the study, test participants will be able to try out the “individual diet” absolutely free.