A Pill Instead of a Shot of Insulin

Insulin therapy is today a proven way to control type 1 and 2 diabetes. Insulin injections can help maintain blood sugar levels and avoid serious complications, significantly improving quality of life. At the same time, some patients postpone or try in every possible way to avoid insulin treatment, mistakenly believing that the drug is addictive and the termination of injections threatens the diabetic with death. And there are many such misconceptions, alas, due to lack of information, around insulin.

However, American scientists believe that diabetics will soon have no reason for fear, since, thanks to their unique development, the need for insulin injections will disappear. Instead of “terrible” injections, diabetics will soon take an insulin pill. This statement was made by US scientists at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists conference. They are confident that the pill they have created will be able to make life easier for patients with diabetes mellitus, improving their psychological state and quality of life, as it will eliminate the need to regularly take injections several times a day. One of the co-authors of the development, Samira Mitragotri, emphasizes that the pill will relieve patients from psychological discomfort and attachment to the drug regimen.

The pill of insulin created by American scientists will be able to make life easier for patients with diabetes mellitus, improving their psychological state and quality of life

It should be noted that the development of a more accessible and simplified method of delivering insulin to the human body has been going on for many years. The fact is that failure in the course of work in this direction causes the property of molecules of this hormone to be destroyed when they enter the digestive system. It was the Americans who managed to solve such a serious puzzle. They introduced special nanoplastics into the composition of the unique tablet, which, when attached to the walls of the small intestine, promote the flow of insulin through the blood into the body.

Now the new drug has to undergo clinical trials, first on animals and then on volunteers. In the projection of scientists, the use of nanoplastics for antibodies and vaccines, which are also destroyed in the digestive system.