Determining the Stage of Diabetes

Hello dear readers of our blog! Today we will talk about the fact that, willingly or unwillingly, all diabetics go through several stages of disease development. And in order to prevent diabetes from progressing, we must determine our stage as early as possible.

Diabetes today is on a par with such terrible diseases as oncology, tuberculosis and HIV. In this article, you will learn what the stages of diabetes mellitus are, and as a result, you will know how to prevent the deterioration of well-being and slow down the course of the disease. What are these stages and how to recognize them — let’s try to figure it out together.

Diabetes levels and types are two very different indicators

Stages of diabetes mellitus: slowing down the progression of the disease.

We have already talked about what diabetes is and we know that this is a group of diseases, the main symptom of which is high blood sugar. The disease proceeds in different ways. And the pathways of the disease are called types of diabetes.

The most common types of diabetes mellitus are the first and second.

Each type of disease is divided into stages. But the lines between types and stages are so thin that the treatment is reduced to one scheme.

The disease is divided into severity, which allows doctors to respond quickly in case of emergency treatment of patients. But such a division is used only in Russia, since doctors in other countries believe that this does not in any way affect the choice of methods and treatment regimens.

So, doctors distinguish three degrees of severity:

  • easy;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

With an initial, mild severity, the blood sugar level does not reach large quantities, it is within 7.7 mmol / l. All other indicators are within normal limits.

Moderate diabetes is characterized by higher sugars.

The disease includes complications to the eyes, kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is very important here to prevent the transition of the disease to the next, irreversible degree of severity — severe.

The name itself speaks for itself — a severe degree. Blood sugar rises above 15 mmol / L.

Protein appears in the urine. Complications are pronounced. There is a huge chance of developing diabetic coma and gangrene.