Type 1 Diabetes

Signs of Type 1 Diabetes | Type 1 diabetes – immediate treatment is necessary | Important

Type 1 diabetes is sometimes called “juvenile” diabetes because, as a rule, it is diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. The appearance of this disease is not the fault of either the parents or the child himself. Even heredity does not so clearly affect the likelihood of having type 1 diabetes in a child.

The cause of diabetes 1 is a malfunction in the body, as a result of which pancreatic cells that produce insulin suffer. As a result, the body stops producing insulin. And if there is no insulin, then glucose will remain in the blood, cannot get inside the cells and nourish them with energy. There is a starvation of cells with a complete abundance of nutrition.

Signs of diabetes mellitus 1 appear earlier and are more pronounced. And although the disease is rare (in US, the risk of the disease is a maximum of 0.2% of the population), parents need to remain vigilant so as not to miss the first symptoms of the disease and consult a doctor in time.


Signs of Type 1 Diabetes

And the signs are such that even if you want to, you won’t miss it. Any parent will notice the changes that occur with the child.

Constant thirst as well as using the toilet a lot more often. Due to the appearance of glucose in the urine, for females itching in the perineum is possible.

General weakness. Constant desire to lie down, fatigue.

Losing weight. A pronounced symptom, sometimes weight loss is 10 -15 kg per month. Metabolic processes are disrupted, glucose does not enter the cells. Old ones die, but new ones are not created.

In the further development of the disease, loss of consciousness occurs, up to a coma.

But, despite the pronounced severity and concreteness of the symptoms, the only way to confirm or refute the presence of type 1 diabetes is still the determination of blood sugar either using a household glucometer or an HbA1C analysis. (tab 1.)


Type 1 diabetes – immediate treatment is necessary

Important! With type 1 diabetes, immediate treatment is necessary. Life without insulin is impossible.

To ensure that a person’s life with diabetes is as full as that of a healthy person, and the disease does not lead to complications, the goal of treatment is to ensure normal blood glucose levels using insulin therapy.


Currently, the ONLY method for treating type 1 diabetes is insulin replacement therapy.

Diabetes mellitus is incurable. Neither sport, nor yoga, nor a miraculous fruit or magic pill, nor hypnosis, nor shamans will replace insulin and cause the disease to disappear. Physical activity and proper nutrition only contribute to improving the quality of life.

Learn to manage your illness, and you will have the same quality life as healthy people: sports, travel, birth, and parenting.