Causes of Diabetes

Genetic factor | Obesity | Other factors | Conclusuion

Hello dear readers! Diabetes is a very insidious and terrible disease. It sneaks up quietly and unnoticed, like a snake. And at any moment it can “sting” with complications. “But why is this happening to me?” This question, I suppose, you have asked yourself more than once.

In this article, we will try to figure out what are the causes of diabetes.

We discussed what it is and what its symptoms are in the previous article. There is no single, main reason for the development of the disease. There are only factors leading to the development of the disease. And there isn’t a doctor that can give you a guarantee that you will not develop diabetes.

Genetic factor

Causes of diabetes:  Very often, the main role is assigned to the genetic predisposition.

This means that the predisposition to diabetes is inherited.

Please note that it is not the disease that is transmitted, but the predisposition to it.

And it may not manifest itself at all if there are no other risk factors.

The propensity for type 1 diabetes follows a recessive path. This means that both parents can be perfectly healthy, but be carriers of the same pathologically altered gene.

The predisposition to diabetes is inherited.

Inheritance occurs when a child receives this altered gene from both parents.

The predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus is transmitted through the dominant pathway. That is, the disease is transmitted to children in several subsequent generations.

One of the parents can be the carrier of the pathological gene.

It has also been shown that the risk of developing diabetes increases if the child inherits it through the father.


Excess weight plays an important role.

Very often, this factor activates  the development of the disease.

So, the first degree of obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes by 2 times. With this degree of obesity, weight is 20-30% more than normal. Body mass index in the range of 30 — 34.9 kg / m2.

Body mass index is calculated mathematically: body weight (weight in kg) / height in meters.

The second degree of obesity increases the risk of developing the disease by 5 times. Weight is more than normal by 30-50%. BMI is over 35.

The third degree by 10 times !!! Body mass index is over 40.

More inclined are women who have crossed the threshold of 35 years. This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, which is characteristic of physiological development at this age. It is also associated with a slowdown in the metabolic process.

But men are also overweight. This is due to the fact that men eat more high-calorie foods, often drinking beer.

Very often excess weight activates the development of the diabetes.

Obesity in children is associated either with genetics or by the fault of the parents.

Common reasons are incorrect introduction of complementary foods and passion for milk formulas.

In adolescents, obesity is associated with changes in hormonal levels during puberty.

Excess weight accumulates in the abdominal manner, i.e. around the belly. In silhouette, a person can resemble an apple. And in men it is also called a “beer belly”.

It is possible to reduce this cause from influencing the progression of the disease! We need to deal with excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.

Other factors in the development of the disease

Any viral infection, be it mumps, rubella or ARVI, can trigger the onset of the disease.

The virus launches the mechanisms of the disease into action, as if giving an impetus for the attack of the body. Fighting infection, by mistake, the body can mistakenly destroy itself.

Medicines can also cause illness. Long-term use of certain drugs can lead to the appearance of this disease.

Pregnancy — during this difficult period for women, the development of gestational diabetes is possible, which passes in most women immediately after the birth of a child. It is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, frequent urination, and thirst.


As we can see, type 1 diabetes is a genetic predisposition. The trigger mechanism of the disease can be stress and viral diseases. Here we are unlikely to be able to prevent the disease.

The beginning of type 2 happens in those who are overweight. And it is directly related to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Now analyze the onset of your diabetes. What was the reason for its development? And make the right conclusions!

That’s all for me. See you! Subscribe to our blog. Write comments. Share the article with your friends.