The First Signs of Incipient Diabetes

Constant hunger | Fatigue | Frequent urination | Thirst | Urinary tract infection | Dry skin | Distraction | Long healing times

Constant hunger

High sugar causes increased insulin production. In this case, glucose is poorly absorbed, which makes us all feel hungry.


As mentioned above — with increased sugar, increased insulin is released, as a result of this, glucose is poorly absorbed. And glucose is a source of energy for us, so even a little physical activity causes us to lose strength.

Frequent urination

If you notice that you are urinating more often, then be sure to check the sugar content. Frequent urination is a defense reaction of our body trying to get rid of excess sugar.


The body’s next defense against high sugar is to try to dissolve the excess sugar. Therefore, we need more fluid and we tend to feel dry mouth.

Urinary tract infection

As already mentioned, with high sugar, there is frequent urination, which causes an increased load on the urinary system, which makes it more vulnerable to various kinds of infections.

Dry skin

As already mentioned, with high sugar — frequent urination. It also requires more liquid to dissolve excess sugar. As a result, the skin requires additional moisture. This is especially evident on the skin on the legs.


Absent-mindedness can be the result of dehydration of the body, for this reason, our brain receives less oxygen. It can also cause visual impairment.

Long healing times

With increased sugar, glucose prevents leukocytes from adhering to the inner side of blood vessels. That is why the healing process of wounds and cuts is greatly increased.

But everyone needs to remember that the final reasons for the rise in sugar levels and the final diagnosis of diabetes can only be made by a doctor after a complete diagnostic protocol.