How to Prevent the Transition to Complications

We now know the basic characteristics of each stage. And we can see that if we take up the treatment in time, we can prevent the development of severe diabetes.

And this is possible when carrying out preventive measures: diet and a healthy, active lifestyle. Doctors recommend giving up sweets, referring to circulatory disorders and the state of the heart vessels.

Treatment will be more effective if at the initial stages it is observed by an endocrinologist, urologist and gynecologist (in women), since the urinary system also suffers with diabetes.

So, my dear readers, the sooner we get diabetes under control, the later this last, difficult stage will come.

How can we prevent the transition from one stage to another? And for this you need to:

  • Completely give up smoking, alcoholic beverages, which only contribute to the development of complications.
  • Follow the diet prescribed by the endocrinologist.
  • Regularly visit specialists: endocrinologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, urologist.
  • Avoid stressful situations that also affect the aggravation of the disease. Remember — if we cannot change the situation, then we can change our attitude towards it.

Trust me, it helps!

Treatment will be effective if we keep blood sugar levels at a normal level, thereby preventing disruptions in the functioning of other organs.

It’s so great to walk on your own two feet and live with your kidneys!