Manifestation of Diabetes

Manifestations | Survey plan | Conclusion

Hello dear readers. Diabetes can be asymptomatic for quite a long time, slowly “undermining” and destroying the body. This period of asymptomatic disease can last for several years. And then diabetes manifests itself. This is when the disease begins to manifest itself intensely. Doctors consider this period to be the beginning of the disease. But by this time, due to the latent course of diabetes, a person already has chronic complications. In this article we will look at a quick guide to the necessary examinations for the onset of diabetes.

Manifestations — what are they?

Diabetes can be asymptomatic, and a person does not know about its existence for a long time. But, nevertheless, the disease is gaining momentum, gradually destroying the body.

Therefore, in the development of latent diabetes mellitus, 5 stages are distinguished:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the onset of the autoimmune process (provocateurs: virus, nutrition, stress);
  • dysfunction of beta cells of the pancreas;
  • impaired glucose tolerance, without symptoms of diabetes;
  • clinical manifestation.

Moreover, in children, this period develops rapidly: from several days to 1 month. In type 1 diabetes, the disease usually manifests itself quite violently.

One of the main symptoms is a rapid decrease in body weight by 10-15 kilograms.

Symptoms can be severe, up to the development of ketoacidosis, especially in children.

When the doctor, after conducting a series of studies, confirms the presence of this disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify chronic complications.

Survey plan

After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to check what kind of “damage” diabetes has brought to the body. To do this, you must visit the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • podiatrist.

And also pass a number of necessary tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • daily urine for protein;
  • electrocardiogram.

An ophthalmologist will assess the condition of the vessels in the fundus and retina. Even if there are no vision problems, it is very important to do so.

Before the examination, the doctor drops a drug into the eyes that dilates the pupil for better access to the examination of the retina. This is a painless procedure, but for a while, vision will deteriorate and photophobia will appear. Therefore, you should not come to the clinic for an examination by car if you are driving. Also, do not come to an appointment with an optometrist wearing lenses, or you need to take a container with you to store them. Also, bring your sunglasses with you.

A podiatrist is a specialist who deals with foot problems in people with diabetes, evaluates the condition of the feet and checks their sensitivity. He will check how the blood passes through the superficial arteries of the feet, whether there is deformation of the toes, whether the tendon reflexes are not disturbed.

On a blood test, the doctor will determine glycated hemoglobin, cholesterol levels. Evaluate the work of the kidneys and liver by the level of creatinine and bilirubin (ALT, AST). These are the most essential metrics for people with diabetes. Based on the results of these analyzes, the doctor will be able to choose the right treatment for you.

A 24-hour urine test will show how the kidneys are working and whether there are signs of diabetic nephropathy.

A cardiogram will allow you to find out about violations of the heart, heart rhythm disturbances and indirect signs of high pressure on the heart.

Instead of a conclusion

These are the most essential and minimal studies on chronic complications of diabetes. Further, according to the indications, additional research methods may be required, for example, ultrasound of the kidneys and liver, blood vessels of the legs and heart.

And remember, the sooner complications after manifestation are identified, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

Be healthy! See you!