Formula for Successful Treatment

Treatment | Diabetes control

Today, dietary products have been developed for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, there are “schools” where each patient can undergo special training. Provided that a person suffering from diabetes will strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist endocrinologist throughout his life, the problem can be solved.

Treatment for diabetes

Treatment for diabetes mellitus includes:

  • Special diet: sugar, alcoholic drinks, syrups, cakes, biscuits, grapes and dates must be excluded. Food should be taken in small portions, preferably 4-5 times a day. Products containing various sweeteners are recommended.
  • Daily use of insulin (insulin therapy) — is necessary for patients with type 1 diabetes. The drug is produced in special syringe pens, with which it is easy to give injections. When treating with insulin, it is necessary to independently control the level of glucose in the blood and urine (using special strips).
  • The use of tablets that help lower blood sugar levels. Typically, these drugs are used to start treatment for type II diabetes. With the progression of the disease, insulin may also be prescribed.
  • People with diabetes benefit from exercise. Weight loss in obese patients has a therapeutic role.

Self-control and accurate implementation of the doctor’s recommendations can help avoid or significantly slow down the development of complications of the disease. However, not all patients will be able to eat limited food, count calories and voluntarily for the rest of their lives refuse to eat their usual fatty, flour, sweet foods in favor of rusks, vegetables, fruits and dietary products. The body will inevitably respond with a rise in blood sugar to any dietary disturbances, and the more often and to the greater extent these disturbances occur, the more likely complications will develop. Therefore, some patients suffering from type II diabetes mellitus may be offered a surgical method as a treatment option, which you can learn in more detail from the article “Diabetes mellitus type II. Prospects for surgical treatment”.

“Keep” diabetes under control!

In addition to observation and treatment under the supervision of a doctor, the patients themselves must follow some rules:

  • Constant monitoring of blood sugar levels is necessary for all patients on insulin therapy, without exception. Knowing the sugar level, it is easy to assess the effectiveness of treatment and calculate the amount of insulin required for an injection.
  • It is advisable to determine the sugar level before each meal. Additionally, you need to control the sugar level before bedtime and in all cases of deterioration of health. Only daily and repeated performance of the procedure will help to adjust the insulin doses according to the lifestyle and diet.
  • All patients with diabetes mellitus are advised to keep a diary, in which the data on self-monitoring of blood and urine sugar levels, the amount of insulin injected or taken antihyperglycemic pills, and especially the food intake are recorded. You also need to write down your state of well-being throughout the day.
  • You must have a diary with you every time you visit a doctor. This will allow the doctor to notice the deterioration of the patient’s well-being in time and to carry out effective treatment of the disease.

We are distinguished by an integrated approach to the problem of diagnosing and treating diabetes mellitus: you can be screened for the detection of this disease, as well as if you have been diagnosed with hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) earlier, for the first time or more than once. In our clinic, qualified endocrinologists are accepting appointments, which can help you control the course of the disease. You can undergo all the necessary examinations in our Center: the CELT laboratory has the most modern equipment for monitoring blood counts; with the help of instrumental examinations (ultrasound scanning of blood vessels), it is possible to identify the development of complications of the disease at an early stage. To effectively combat the disease, consultations are provided by doctors of related specialties (neurologist, ophthalmologist, vascular surgeon, transfusiologist), who will prescribe the necessary conservative or surgical treatment, also carried out on the basis of CELT. Such an integrated approach to the treatment of diabetes mellitus improves the quality of life of patients and actively counteracts the development of complications of the disease.