A Healthy Diet to Prevent Diabetes

Risk group | Normalize weight | Eat right | Do physical activity

Hello dear subscribers and guests of our blog. Diabetes is a disease that leads to various complications and even death. Until the middle of the 20th century, this sounded like a “death sentence”. Today it is becoming a social problem. More and more people find themselves in its “grasp” and by 2030, according to doctors, this could become a real epidemic.

According to experts, it is possible to reduce the incidence rate. What should be done to prevent diabetes? After all, warning is always easier than trying to cure! You will learn about this by reading this article.

Risk group

Prediabetes, experts say, is a reversible condition. Which in half of the cases is able to return to normal. But for this it is necessary to fulfill a very important condition — to radically change the way of life. What does this mean?

The risk group for type 2 diabetes mellitus includes:

  • people who are overweight or obese;
  • whose close relatives have or have type 2 diabetes;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • women with gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertensive patients.

Genetics, previous inactive lifestyle, age are factors beyond our control. It is in our power to reduce weight, start physical activity, get rid of bad habits.

Normalize your weight

High weight and obesity are at the forefront of the development of type 2 diabetes. It is overweight people who make up the bulk of those suffering from diabetes.

Excess weight and fat are the main causes of loss of insulin sensitivity.

In order to normalize weight, you must follow a diet and exercise.

For a week, you can lose 0.5 — 1 kg, it will not harm your health.

Eat right

To eat correctly is to eat fractionally. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day. A serving is the volume that fits in a handful. The food should be varied, including protein and fat. For proper nutrition, experts give 5 tips:

  • It is necessary to exclude “fast” carbohydrates — sugar, candy, baked goods, soda, ice cream, etc. Foods that contain sugar and refined carbohydrates are bad for everyone.
  • But the consumption of vegetables, apart from potatoes, should, on the contrary, be increased.
  • Fiber should be increased. Food rich in fiber is absorbed by the body much more slowly, due to this there are no sharp fluctuations in sugar.
  • When composing your diet, it is better to give preference to foods with a low and medium glycemic index.
  • Use the “plate” model: ½ – vegetables, ¼ – protein (meat, fish, legumes, eggs), ¼ – carbohydrates (cereals, black bread, brown rice).

Also, don’t watch TV or read news on your smartphone or tablet while eating.

Also, you do not need to eat just to keep “company” or before going to bed.

Food should be tasty and enjoyable. Therefore, eat slowly, chewing thoroughly.

Do physical activity

Exercise. It is physical activity that helps normalize blood sugar levels. You need to do it without fanaticism, but regularly. You should also not engage in exhausting workouts. It is quite enough for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.

You can start with hiking. Just 10,000 steps a day can cure a variety of health problems. Stop using elevators, do your exercises. Regular dancing, swimming, cycling, skiing are also helpful. The main thing is that it brings you pleasure.

All these activities can protect against the development of diabetes and its complications.

Be healthy and happy!