Beware of the Silent Killers

Myocardial infarction | Diabetes mellitus | Pancreatic cancer | Osteoporosis | AIDS | Kidney disease | Deep vein thrombosis

We often hear: I was not sick with anything and suddenly I have diabetes (the list of diseases can be long). The deceptive feeling that everything is fine and nothing hurts is not a reason for complacency. Any doctor will be able to tell you a number of very dangerous diseases, proceeding practically without pronounced symptoms, which only aggravates the consequences of their manifestations.

Myocardial infarction

The first on this list, oddly enough, is myocardial infarction (cessation of blood flow to a part of the heart). The widespread opinion among ordinary people that its course is always accompanied by unbearable chest pain, shortness of breath and dizziness is wrong. Most often, the heart attack is “quiet”, without symptoms. That is why many patients during a medical examination are surprised to learn that they have suffered such a dangerous condition without even knowing it.

Diabetes mellitus

However, not many people know that even such a serious disease as diabetes mellitus can develop almost imperceptibly for a long time. The presence of the disease can be suspected by the following symptoms: frequent urination, excessive thirst, increased irritability.

Pancreatic cancer

One of the most dangerous forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer, also goes unnoticed. Its symptoms appear only at the last stage of the disease: pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, and a sharp loss in weight.


Osteoporosis, which leads to bone destruction, also has no symptoms. The development of this disease makes bones fragile and porous, which in turn increases the risk of fractures and can lead to disability.


Initially, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has no symptoms, and its first manifestations are more similar to those of the flu.

Kidney disease

Insidious kidney disease is also asymptomatic, without causing us special concerns about the state of health. Most of all, in this case, diabetics should worry, since kidney disease is most often associated with the development of this disease. Therefore, patients suffering from diabetes should be tested regularly for microalbumin.

Deep vein thrombosis

Unbeknownst to most of us, deep vein thrombosis occurs when a blood clot enters the veins, which can stop blood flow to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. The formation of a blood clot can not only seriously damage organs, but also lead to death. With an asymptomatic course of the disease, the disease in rare cases can manifest itself as pain, swelling or a feeling of warmth in the leg.

Unfortunately, many of us, faced with the real manifestations of the disease, are late in realizing a simple truth: if nothing hurts you, it does not mean that you are healthy. In order to avoid serious consequences, doctors advise to carry out regular preventive measures, since early diagnosis of diseases will make it possible to remove the disease from the category of “quiet” in time, guaranteeing effective treatment.