How Does Diabetes Develop?

Stage of development of diabetes | Difference Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 | One More Difference | How Does Diabetes Develop?

Prediabetes developing into diabetes

If the pancreas does not produce the right amount of the hormone insulin, or the body does not respond to it, this leads to a condition called prediabetes.

At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood is above normal, but not so high as to be able to diagnose diabetes.


Prediabetes, unlike diabetes, is treatable.

The prediabetic state is asymptomatic. Therefore, it is important to take a glucose test at least every six months in order to recognize the disease in time. If you do not deal with your health, after 5-7 years, prediabetes develops into diabetes in 50% of patients.


Stage of development of diabetes:

Hidden period. The patient has no specific signs of the disease. Diabetes can only be diagnosed by lab analysis.

II stage. There are general and common symptoms of endocrine issues.

III stage. Vascular complications develop, sharp fluctuations in the level of glucose in the blood are characteristic.

IV stage. Serious complications appear that lead to the patient’s disability.

DM is also distinguished in 3 degrees of severity (by fasting blood sugar): mild (up to 80), moderate (80-140), severe (140 and above).

Attention! If you do not control the sugar level, do not follow the dietary recommendations and do not take the necessary medications, a diabetic coma is a possible complication.


What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, a symptom of which is an increased level of glucose in the blood. Unlike type 2 diabetes, it is characterized by complete (absolute) insulin hormone deficiency. Most often found in children and adolescents.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease that develops due to decreased sensitivity to insulin. It was previously considered a disease of adulthood, but in recent years has been found in adolescents and children.

A table that helps to understand the differences between types of diabetes:


Disease Development: 1 Rapid 2 Gradual

Patient Weight: 1 Normal or Decreased 2 Obesity

Severity of symptoms: 1 Obvious 2 Moderate or mild

Blood Glucose: 1 Over 200 2 Rarely High

Antibodies to pancreatic cells in the blood: 1 Yes 2 No

Acetone in urine: 1 More common 2 Rarely determined

Level of insulin and connective peptide:  1 Below normal 2 Increased, rarely normal


One More Difference between Type 1 and Type 2

Another difference between type 1 diabetes is that treatment is possible only by injecting insulin. While for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, drugs can be prescribed that increase insulin sensitivity, enhance its production and decrease the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract.