Diabetes Mellitus: What Do You Need to Know

Reasons of diabetes | Fasting | Goods for diabetics | Inheritation | Insulin addiction | Quantity of eating foods | Alcohol | Weight and diabetes | Feeling of diabetes | The doom of life

Every year, on November 14, the world celebrates a holiday — World Diabetes Day. According to UN data, about 400 million people on our planet suffer from diabetes. Almost one and a half million people die every year. There are many misconceptions and false information about the disease. And often people do not understand what they can trust and what data it is better not to pay attention to.

Diabetes develops only due to malnutrition and physical inactivity

Excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods, lack of physical activity — these are not all the reasons contributing to the development of the disease. Many factors are involved in the development of the diseases, including environment.

Research by scientists has led to the conclusion that even with minimal air pollution, the number of diabetics begins to grow. In many countries, even those people who do not have a tendency to obesity get sick.

The best medicine for diabetes is fasting

Of course, proper nutrition is an integral part of those people with diabetes. But only a specialist should select food based on the test results. Many patients, upon learning about their diagnosis, begin to refuse certain meals, such as breakfast, and completely in vain. A balanced breakfast helps to boost metabolism.

If you eat right before exercise, your metabolic rate will increase. Moreover, a couple of hours after eating, the blood sugar level changes. This serves as a good prevention against the development of many complications.

Products “for diabetics” are completely harmless

Many, coming to the store, see a shelf called “goods for diabetics”, in fact, this is just a marketing ploy. So, for example, on this shelf there are exactly the same cookies as other sweets, but with the only difference that sugar has been replaced with a safe alternative. Many well-known endocrinologists argue that such foods are not useful.

Diabetes mellitus is always inherited

The disease itself is never inherited, only a predisposition to its development is transmitted. In the event that both mom and dad are carriers of type 1 diabetes, the probability of developing the disease is no more than thirty percent, with the second type up to eighty percent. When only one of the parents is sick, the likelihood that the child will get sick decreases significantly.

Endocrinologists note that even if none of the relatives suffered from the disease, it can still appear in the offspring. Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle contributes to this. That is why it is extremely important to devote sufficient time and attention to prevention.

Insulin is highly addictive

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which beta cells are incompetent and require lifelong treatment. That is why patients are forced to eat right and take appropriate medications all the time. If the beta cells are functioning normally, temporary insulin therapy is stopped.

Insulin is considered absolutely harmless for the patient’s health and life. This is a natural drug that has nothing to do with a narcotic substance, as many believe, therefore it is not capable of causing addiction. Among other things, insulin therapy does not affect life in general. A person can still work, travel, do his usual things.

Diabetics are prohibited from eating many foods

Anyone, whether they have diabetes or not, should consume carbohydrates as50 percent of their diet. Without them, the sugar level will constantly change, complications will appear. In modern endocrinology, it is possible to treat diabetes mellitus in a new way. Nutrition is calculated so that proteins, carbohydrates and fats are supplied to the body in the required proportions.

Carbohydrate food must be present without fail, while it must be varied. It is better to eat semolina for breakfast, pasta at lunch, and rice in the evening. The only difference is that in a healthy person, the body itself converts carbohydrates into energy, and a diabetic takes medication for this.

With diabetes you need to forget about alcohol forever

People who drink a minimum amount of alcohol several times a week are less likely to have diabetes than those who do not drink at all. Scientists from Denmark came to a similar conclusion. 70 thousand people took part in their research. They were asked how often they drink and what kind of alcohol. Five years later, people were examined again. As it turned out, in women who drank alcohol three times a week, the risk of developing diabetes decreased by 32 percent, and in men by 27.

In addition, it was possible to find out that the best result appears when a person drinks a minimum of alcohol, but more often. Drinks such as vodka, wine, whiskey and champagne affect the parameter in different ways. As you know, the best way to prevent diabetes is red wine. Beer has similar indicators. At the same time, scientists often remind that frequent drinking is dangerous, because it can cause irreparable harm to health.

Thin and slender people cannot get diabetes

The stereotype that only obese people suffer from diabetes mellitus has developed long ago and there is a logical explanation for this. Scientists from Harvard University note that almost 85% of patients are actually overweight. Nevertheless, the remaining 15 percent have no symptoms of obesity or even a predisposition to it.

Despite the fact that slender people suffer more often, this does not mean that they should not monitor their sugar levels in the body. They can be provoked by a dangerous type of fat — visceral. After it envelops the internal organs, it provokes insulin resistance.

Everyone can feel the presence of diabetes

Scientists from America claim that every third person is unaware of this. The reason is simple, the existing symptoms are misinterpreted. So, for example, fatigue is attributed to the developing cold, and frequent urination for the presence of infection.

In order for the diagnosis to be identified, it is necessary to collect all the symptoms together, undergo an examination and only then an accurate diagnosis will be made.

If you have diabetes, then you your life is doomed

Yes, diabetes mellitus, unfortunately, is an incurable disease, but this does not mean at all that a person will not be able to live fully, because this is not a death sentence. If the doctor chooses the right treatment, and the patient follows all the recommendations, you can live and not deny yourself almost anything.

The main thing is not to start the disease, regularly undergo examinations, monitor blood sugar levels and seek help from the hospital for any symptoms.