The Principles of the Development of the Disease

Women who give birth to children weighing more than 4-4.5 kg should definitely consult an endocrinologist. After a thorough examination, they often find latent or severe diabetes.

Due to a lack of insulin, food carbohydrates are not absorbed by the body, accumulate in the blood (their amount is approximately 200-300 mg and more). Already at a concentration of 180 mg (“kidney threshold”), sugar penetrates through the kidneys into the urine, and then is excreted with it. And the body just needs this important energy product.

A sick person loses strength, loses weight, weakens. Due to the excessive sugar content in urine, 3-4, and sometimes 5-10 liters of urine are excreted per day. Dehydration of the body occurs, thirst appears, a feeling of dry mouth. Appetite is often increased because the body needs compensation due to increased sugar loss.

Disorders of the carbohydrate type of metabolism sometimes causes a decrease in the body’s resistance to infections. Diabetes is often accompanied by bleeding and suppuration from the gums, slow wound healing, boils, and carbuncles.

Along with carbohydrate metabolism, as a rule, the following disorders are clinically and experimentally identified:

  • fat metabolism;
  • protein metabolism;
  • mineral metabolic process.

The most serious is the violation of fat metabolism. In the body of patients who are being treated insufficiently or not at all, toxic products of fat metabolism accumulate, the so-called ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids), which poison the body and lead to the development of diabetic coma.

The following diseases are largely associated with a violation of fat metabolism:

  • Atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Diseases of the legs.
  • Pathologies of other organs and tissues often found in patients with diabetes mellitus.

With this ailment, the content of fat in the blood of patients is higher than that of healthy people of the corresponding age, and therefore, in the combination of therapeutic measures for diabetes, means are provided that normalize fat metabolism.

With prolonged insulin deficiency, the processes of protein formation are disrupted in the body. If these disorders occur in children, their growth is slowed down. The body accumulates toxic products that increase the development of complications, in particular vascular damage.

Systematic treatment, a rational diet, a correctly defined dose of insulin, in combination with other drugs, normalize metabolic processes, help patients with diabetes mellitus maintain their ability to work, as well as a satisfactory state of health.