Diabetes Mellitus, Types and How to Treat Them

Definition | Classification | Reasons | Symptoms | Diagnostics | Treatment | Rehabilitation | Prevention

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, they should understand that it will be present with them for many years of life, but one should not take this as a death sentence, but try to accept it as a personal feature and change, based on this, his lifestyle. Currently, there are wonderful devices that help maintain normal glycemia (the amount of glucose in the blood) and allow you to completely free a person from all kinds of manipulations, namely constant measurements of sugar using glucometers and injections.


Diabetes mellitus is a hormone-related disease, accompanied by a persistent increase in blood glucose numbers (over 6.1 mmol / L on an empty stomach and more than 11 mmol / L with random examination), and leading to damage to small vessels, which leads to damage to almost all organs and tissues human body.


There are several types, of which two are main:

  • Type one is rightfully called insulin-dependent, the fact is that the above is an autoimmune disease, that is, its own immune system attacks and destroys the cells of the pancreas that secrete the hormone insulin, leading to its complete disappearance. The essence of the hormone is to transport glucose from the bloodstream to muscle cells, adipose tissue cells, and also to the liver. The rest of the organs and tissues do not require its work, glucose enters there on its own, otherwise, patients with this disease would die instantly, due to an energy deficit in the brain. Due to the absence of the hormone and with the usual diet, blood sugar gradually but surely accumulates, which can be detected during lab tests;
  • The second type, contrary to popular belief, is more common than the first. The essence of this type lies in the fact that the pancreas is not affected and there is more than enough insulin in the bloodstream, and the reason lies in the impossibility of tissues to use it for its intended purpose due to the “blockage” of receptors to it by fat molecules. Further, this option develops as the previous one;
  • Gestational diabetes is observed in pregnant women and occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the woman’s body, which have a huge impact on carbohydrate metabolism.

The reasons

  • The first type occurs after previous infections and injuries and is also possible with other autoimmune processes in the body (rheumatism, systemic scleroderma, vasculitis). A hereditary predisposition is of particular importance when this variant occurs.
  • The second type occurs with obesity, the consumption of fried, fatty and high-carbohydrate (sweets and flour) foods lead to it.


Common manifestations for both types of diabetes will be: dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, the smell of acetone, dizziness, general weakness. For the first type, unintentional weight loss is characteristic, and for the second, body weight gain is more characteristic, which occurs mainly due to its fatty part.


Diagnostics is complex and includes:

  • blood sugar testing initially on an empty stomach, and then after consuming a concentrated glucose solution,
  • determination of the content of glycated hemoglobin in the blood (the analysis indicates the age of the pathological process),
  • determination of insulin or its ratio to glucose (HOMA index),
  • determination of lipids and cholesterol,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • ultrasound examination of the pancreas,
  • consultations with an endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist.


The first type, as mentioned above, is insulin-dependent, therefore it is treated only with the help of insulin, its ultra-short, short, medium and long types are distinguished. Use one dose of a long-acting drug (Lantus) for the whole day and a short one (Humulin, before a meal, this therapy is called a base-bolus.

Therapy of the second type consists in the treatment of obesity (exercise and a hypocaloric diet); many hypoglycemic agents are used to lower glucose, one of them is Metformin.

Now, there are insulin pumps, these are devices that independently, according to a given program, secrete insulin subcutaneously into the abdomen. Glucometers are used to measure sugar. Non-invasive blood glucose meters are currently available, and you do not need to pierce your finger to use them.


For the rehabilitation of patients, balneological and climatic resorts are recommended, as well as physiotherapy exercises, this is especially true for patients with type 2 diabetes.


Prevention is a healthy, balanced diet with a normal carbohydrate and protein content, and adequate and regular exercise. For early diagnosis, it is necessary not to neglect preventive medical examinations.