
The causes of neuropsychological issues are events and experiences in life that a person cannot get rid of. The more in his mind he pays attention to problems, the more this affects mental and physical health.

In particular, on the hormonal balance and metabolism in the development of diabetes. The reason for the change in biochemical processes is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), due to a single or permanent traumatic situation.

This may include:

  • Deep emotional shock. For example: the news of the arrest, incurable illness or death of a loved one, a robbery of a home, a fire or natural disaster, which resulted in serious material damage, unforeseen dismissal from work, adultery. Nervous shock can be caused by the initially diagnosed deadly disease: cancer, HIV, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, etc.
  • Distress – a long period of stressful conditions. Prolonged financial difficulties, prolonged illness of a relative, constant tension in marital relations or divorce proceedings, nervous situation in the workplace, protracted litigation, chronic diseases (including diabetes mellitus).
  • Physical injury. Criminal attack, car accident, injury, heavy surgery. As a result of physical inferiority, a person loses working capacity (temporarily or permanently), which negatively affects psychological health.
  • Sexual and domestic violence. It is allocated in a separate category, since it affects both the mental and physical functions of the body.
  • Adaptation situation. Relocation to a new place of residence, change of work and place of work, change of living conditions, the need for living with relatives or new family members.

Depressive disorders cause both endogenous (associated with disruption of the internal organs) causes and exogenous (external) negative effects. Endogenous depressions include existing chronic diseases. The prolonged course of the disease causes not only bodily suffering, but also exhausts the psyche.