Diabetes Sugar Substitutes

The habit of eating sweets is prevalent in modern people, and even type 1 and type 2 diabetes cannot force it to be completely abandoned. Sugar substitutes help out – low-calorie substances that do not increase glucose levels.


Sugar substitutes allow diabetics to experience the familiar sweet taste of dishes and not suffer from severe consequences. With their help, you do not need to radically change the usual diet, it only needs to be slightly adjusted. Sweeteners for type 2 diabetes, as well as type 1 diabetes, are divided into two categories: natural and artificial (synthetic). Products of the first variety are obtained from natural products.


Natural substitutes do not contain artificial compounds, are easily absorbed by the body and excreted naturally. They do not entail an increased release of insulin. However, even with the apparent absence of harm, do not exceed the daily dose (it is 35-50 g.). Excess is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Using natural sweeteners, various dishes are prepared, for example, pastries, desserts, and they are also sold separately. The main types of these substances are as follows:

  • Fructose. This substance is extracted from the fruits of plants. By caloric content, it coincides with regular sugar, but the fructose taste is more pronounced. Fructose has a beneficial effect on hepatic glycogen, which has a positive effect on the state of the body in diabetes of any type. However, there are dangerous aspects: fruit sugar is absorbed longer, so the feeling of fullness does not come immediately. A person with diabetes, with unlimited consumption of fructose, can experience prolonged, unsaturated hunger. To protect yourself from the negative consequences of consuming fructose, you should not exceed its daily volume of 30 grams. If the dose is exceeded, there is a risk of obesity, because with excess, the body turns fructose into fat.

Natural substitutes do not entail an increased release of insulin.

  • Xylitol. Compared to sugar, this sweetener contains 40% fewer calories. Due to this factor and a low glycemic index, xylitol can be used for obesity and diabetes. This product, instead of sugar in diabetes mellitus, is highly soluble in water and has a cooling effect, gives a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity.
  • Stevia. This perennial plant from South America is a good sugar substitute for type 2 diabetes. Its composition is rich in useful substances: fiber, vitamins, fatty and organic acids, micro and macro elements. Those who choose stevia feel a general beneficial effect on the body. The substance is suitable for use as a prophylaxis of diabetes mellitus for healthy people. The substance has a pronounced taste and low-calorie content, normalizes metabolic processes. In some cases, allergic reactions to stevia are possible in the form of rashes on the body, nausea, and digestive tract disorders.
  • Sorbitol. This substance is obtained from the processing of corn, wheat and potato starch. The sweetener is absorbed completely by the digestive system. It has high nutritional value and strong laxative effect. With uncontrolled use, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen are possible.


Synthetic sugar substitutes are not digested, but only give the usual sweet taste of dishes. They do not give any energy value, therefore they “cheat” the body and do not give it the expected carbohydrates. There is a desire to eat more, which negatively affects weight. When choosing which sugar substitute for diabetes, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of such artificial sweeteners:

  • Saccharin: The substance is several hundred times sweeter than regular sugar but gives an unpleasant aftertaste afterward. The sweetener does not contain carbohydrates and does not destroy teeth. The maximum daily dose is 11 tablets.
  • Aspartame: Prolonged use of it causes headaches, insomnia and allergies. When heated, the substance breaks down into phenylalanine and methanol, which is then converted to formaldehyde, which is a strong carcinogen.

Synthetic sugar substitutes negatively affect weight.

  • Cyclamate. The sweetener is added to juices, compotes and confectionery. In the stomach, cyclohexylamine is split and converted into a substance, which has not yet been fully studied. Cyclamate is prohibited in the USA and France.
  • Acesulfame. 200 times sweeter than regular sugar. The composition of the substance includes aspartic acid, which has a negative effect on the nervous system. It is banned in the USA.
  • Mannitol. The sweetener should not be used of more than 50 gr. Per day. Excess leads to diarrhea with dehydration and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dulcin. This substance is a derivative of urea. It causes cirrhosis, stunted growth, anemia. It is not recommended to use this sweetener for diabetes.


It is recommended to choose a suitable sweetener together with a doctor, since each substance, even natural, has its own disadvantages and side effects. The doctor takes into account the patient’s history, the condition of his liver, kidneys and other organs. Do not choose a sweetener yourself, based on the material you read and your own preferences. Neglecting your health leads to big problems.

Despite the harm of artificial sweeteners, manufacturers continue to use them for the following reasons:

  • they are cheaper than natural;
  • these are excellent preservatives;
  • they increase appetite, which leads to an increase in food sales.

For the body, proximity to nature, natural products are useful. A safe and useful sugar substitute is honey, as are dried apricots, raisins, figs, and dates. These are the best sugar substitutes for diabetes. When comparing natural and artificial sweeteners, it is those that are extracted from the fruits of plants that do less harm. However, here one should not forget about the limit of consumption.