Is It Possible to Get a Tattoo with Diabetes

Can I get a tattoo | The nuances of the procedure | Contraindications | Is eyebrow tattooing acceptable | Dia tattoo

Decorating your body is a normal phenomenon that many aspire to. The presence of endocrine disease imposes many prohibitions. Therefore, is it possible to get a tattoo with diabetes is not decided by the patient himself, but by a specialist. This will avoid the development of complications and other unpleasant consequences.

Can I get a tattoo?

The ban on such a procedure is justified from a medical point of view. After all, applying this pattern damages the skin, and tissue healing in patients is slow. On average, it takes one and a half to two months more than a person with a normal state of health. In addition, an allergy to the paint used to create the tattoo is likely.

Before getting a tattoo, it is important for diabetics to consult with their doctor. He will determine how quickly the alleged healing of tissue structures takes place, how the patient will react to the procedure. Long-term diagnostics (blood test, glucose measurements, some instrumental studies) may be required. If the results are satisfactory, action will be allowed.

The nuances of the procedure

So, the basis for consent is the permission of the endocrinologist. It will be equally important to get the approval of the master himself, because not everyone agrees to this. Pay attention to the fact that:

  • Instruments must be sterile. They are autoclaved, while standard alcohol manipulation is not recommended.
  • Exclusively disposable paint should be used. The tattoo artist, on the other hand, always only with gloves.
  • It is equally important to be careful when healing the skin. This will prevent inflammatory algorithms and aggravation of the underlying disease.
  • It is mandatory to take into account that it is unacceptable to affix the drawing in such an area where insulin is injected periodically. Fresh images heal from six weeks, but possibly much longer — it depends on the patient’s age, general health.
  • The patient must come to the procedure with a supply of hypoglycemic drugs and insulin. This is due to pain, because adrenaline begins to be produced, the glucose ratio increases, and other clinical manifestations are aggravated.
  • If the patient still decided on such an intervention, then the pictures should be small in size. Ideally, it is advisable to complete work on them within a single visit.

Contraindications to tattooing

Limitations are divided into absolute and relative. The first is a decompensated form of endocrine disease, as well as an insulin-dependent species. In this case, the vessels of the skin are extremely fragile, and immunity is aggravated. The use of potent drugs, including the hormonal component, is also a limitation. Do not forget about:

  • Blood clotting disorder (expressed in leukemia, anemia, leukemia). As a result, the likelihood of sudden bleeding that interferes with the process increases.
  • Acute periods of viral infections or worsening of chronic diseases.
  • Pregnancy, because prolonged pain with a high probability will lead to premature birth, bleeding. The female body does not have enough strength for subsequent healing, and applying the image in the first trimester may lead to a miscarriage.
  • Numerous allergic reactions, especially to local anesthetic components and metals, are usually called relative. This is explained by the fact that in the composition of paints (for temporary pictures) there is iron oxide.
  • An equally striking case is contact dermatitis, or exacerbation of skin pathologies. During this period, the human body actively reacts to any antigens, therefore, an autoimmune response to the coloring pigment can form. This will entail an inflammatory reaction in the treated area.
  • Exacerbation of herpes (due to a sharp drop in immunity and a slower regeneration of tissue structures), the use of alcoholic beverages (increases the reactivity of the epidermis) supplement the list of relative contraindications.

Is eyebrow tattooing acceptable?

Such an intervention is possible only when compensating for the pathology and the likelihood of normal control of the disease in the future. At the time of applying permanent makeup, sugar indicators should be stable. It is recommended to use drugs that stabilize glycemia and metabolic algorithms. Besides:

  • the master must find out how quickly the healing of wounds and other injuries occurs, whether there is a predisposition to bacterial infections;
  • it is necessary to verify the absence of pustular lesions, because they accompany endocrine disease and are evidence of aggravation of the regenerative abilities of cells;
  • if any of the presented problems is fixed, the procedure is best not to be carried out.

This design of eyebrows is safer than the classic application of images on the skin. However, according to experts, this is a less popular procedure, given the age and specificity of the process.

What is a dia tattoo?

We are talking about drawings that have the appropriate theme. There are two types, namely, warning and symbolizing a pathological condition.

The first type of tattoos — warns that a person has diabetes. Often a stylized medical sign and inscription are combined. They are made by analogy with the military, when a blood group is applied to soldiers on the forearm. In critical situations, this makes it possible to save a life, accelerate the receipt of first aid.

The second type of drawing is a symbol of diabetes. In the vast majority of cases, this is a pump, an insulin syringe or needles, as well as, for example, a test strip.