How to Exercise Self-control in Diabetes

When a patient keeps tight control of their diabetes this significantly improves the course of the disease and facilitates the work of the doctor. The presence of indicator strips (glucotests and acid tests – strips or tablets) enable the patient to monitor the state of carbohydrate metabolism at home.

The Glukotest commercially available paper kit contains 25 strips, a color scale, and a plastic plate. To determine sugar in the urine, it is necessary to lower the reaction paper in fresh urine so that the yellow transverse strip is completely immersed in the urine, then immediately remove it and put it on the plastic plate for 2 minutes. The color of the strip and the scale determine the sugar content in the urine.

The presence of indicator strips enable the patient to monitor the state of carbohydrate metabolism at home.

The shelf life of the glucotest is 8 months from the date of release. It is stored in a closed, dark package in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator). Glucotest indicators are relative, but they can give a general idea of ​​the level of sugar control. More accurate data can be obtained using the kit for rapid analysis of sugar in the urine. It consists of 2 reagents: “A” in granules and “B” in tablets. 4 granules of reagent “A” are placed in a test tube, 0.5 ml of urine and 0.5 ml of water are added with a pipette. The tubes are shaken. When the granules dissolve, heat is released.

At the time of heating, a reagent “B” tablet is thrown into a test tube. The contents begin to foam. the reaction lasts 2 minutes, the color appears. The color of the tubes is compared with a color scale. The scale has 5 divisions, the maximum sugar content on the scale is 2%, if the color is dark, urine contains a lot of sugar.

To determine the percentage of sugar in the latter case, urine is diluted with an equal amount of water, the analysis is repeated, the result is multiplied by 2.

If acetone is found in the urine, it is necessary to double-check the results in a laboratory.

To determine the acetone in the urine, plants of chemical reagents produce special tablets – acid tests. A few drops of fresh urine are dripped onto a tablet placed on filter paper. After 2 min, compare the color of the tablet with the scale. The appearance of purple staining indicates the presence of acetone in the urine. If acetone is found in the urine, it is necessary to double-check the results in a laboratory. It should be warned that the reagent kits have a short shelf life, so if you receive any inadequate condition indicators, you need to check the analysis again in the laboratory.

With appropriate preparation and training, the patient can independently take measures to eliminate poor control of diabetes, up to adjusting the dose of insulin (by 4-6 units) or introducing a temporarily additional injection of insulin, changes in the diet (fat withdrawal, alkaline drinking, natural fruit juices with acidosis) .