Prediabetes Has a Rather Vague Symptomatology

Prediabetes rates | Preconditions for the development of prediabetes | Reasons for the development of a prediabetic

Prediabetes has a rather vague symptomatology and can manifest itself in a variety of ways, which complicates the process of identifying it. When the human body is in a prediabetic state, the pancreas ceases to produce vital insulin in the right quantities, or the cells lose the ability to absorb it. Over time, the human body is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But prediabetes is not yet diabetes, and many are quite capable of trying to prevent this transition. Moreover, this is possible even without taking medication: the emphasis is on the correction of lifestyle, diet, increased physical activity and rejection of bad habits.

Maintaining the wrong lifestyle, including excessive passion for sweets, alcohol, tobacco and fatty foods, will have an effect. If you add to the above, a dislike for any physical exertion, you can get a complete picture of self-destruction. Thus, prediabetes should be considered as an appeal of the body for help, which is vital to provide in order to avoid further formidable complications.

Prediabetes rates

Yes, the symptoms of prediabetes are blurred, but it’s easy to identify. Its diagnosis is purely mathematical. To identify the prediabetic state, you can use any of the following types of tests:

Test for blood glucose (given strictly on an empty stomach). With an indicator in the range of 5.6 – 6.9 mmol / l, the question of the presence of prediabetes is raised. It is important that the patient does not eat food or any liquid eight hours before the test. The test can be carried out independently at home using a cheap and affordable device – a glucometer.

Important! Everyone, diagnosed with diabetes or not, should know their blood glucose indicators, which must be done at least once a year.

Analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobulin A1C). This study aims to test the average blood sugar over a three-month period. If the indicator is in the range of 5.7-6.4%, this indicates a prediabetic state. It should be noted that the result of the study may be affected by pregnancy, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process, hematological pathologies, as well as the ethnicity of the patient.

Undoubtedly, the analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin more accurately indicates the state of glucose in the blood, but so far it is carried out only in medical laboratories. It is mainly prescribed by a doctor to confirm suspicions of high blood sugar after the first test.

Preconditions for the development of prediabetes (causes of development)

The main source of the problem of the development of prediabetes is a violation of the resistance of body tissues to insulin (insulin resistance). For the same reason, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases.

The information obtained here is medical and tedious, but we will consider this an additional emphasis to give importance to the state of prediabetes and prevent its further development.

Reasons for the development of a prediabetic

  • Hereditary predisposition. Prediabetes is especially prominent with people whose first line relatives have been diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Birth of a child weighing more than 8.5 lb.
  • A sedentary lifestyle (physical activity less than three hours a week).
  • Long-term use of certain types of medicines.
  • Abuse of beverages that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (energy drinks, caffeinated soda, etc.).
  • Excess weight. Adipose tissue, represented by adipocytes, produces a special type of hormone that significantly reduces tissue resistance to insulin;
  • Age factor (45 years and older).
  • Hypertension of 1 degree and higher (blood pressure exceeding 140/90) with elevated cholesterol and low-density triglycerides.

This list is far from complete: the prediabetic state can have many other prerequisites.