How is Diabetes Transmitted

How is diabetes transmitted | Hereditary transmission | Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes refers to a group of diseases that are associated with a deficiency in the production of the hormone insulin or its impaired interaction with the body. With the development of the disease, an increased blood sugar is observed and, as a result, difficulties in all types of metabolism.

How is diabetes transmitted and what are the external conditions for the onset of disease?

Most people know about the existence of diabetes, but there is not enough knowledge about the course of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. There are two points of view, one of which confidently states that the disease is inherited, the other says that the wrong person’s lifestyle is to blame.

Consider the leading causes that can trigger the development of diabetes.

  • Constant overeating, which subsequently leads to obesity and imbalance in the body.
  • Physiologically low stress resistance of the body, when any trouble can give impetus to the development of diabetes.
  • Impaired carbohydrate metabolism in women after childbirth.
  • Abnormalities in the digestive system, very often in the thyroid gland.
  • Disturbed sleep, work, rest.
  • Long-term use of antitumor and strong hormonal drugs.

Hereditary transmission of diabetes

Consider when diabetes is inherited.

  • A high probability that the disease will be inherited exists when the parents are sick. Moreover, if both parents are ill, this probability doubles. So, for example, if the mother is sick, then the probability of transmission is 1-2 percent, if the father is then 3-5 percent. In cases where twins are born and diabetes is found in one of them, the probability of illness of the other is 100 percent.
  • There are cases when diabetes is passed on skipping a generation. Surprisingly, completely healthy biological parents can have a child who has inherited diabetes from his grandfather or grandmother.

Diabetes Prevention

The first rule to avoid the development of this disease is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. What is the basis of this concept?

  • To constantly monitor food so that they do not contain excess sugar and salt.
  • Limit the use of flour and bakery products.
  • Carry out preventive examinations of doctors, regularly take laboratory tests for blood sugar.
  • Be out in the fresh air.

It does not matter how diabetes is transmitted, the main thing is that in case of detection of a disease a person behaves correctly and follows all the recommendations of the attending physicians, then there is a guarantee of a long and happy life.