Coffee and Diabetes

Benefits and harms | What is the drink good for | Why can caffeine be harmful | Instant coffee | Natural coffee | Green coffee

Coffee is a popular drink, but can it be consumed by those who have problems with glucose uptake and diabetics?

Experts do not give a definite answer. Nevertheless, many doctors advise people with diabetes to drink coffee, but in limited quantities and subject to certain conditions. Pharmacological properties of coffee.

According to many doctors – coffee is most useful for type 2 diabetes. A natural coffee product has many beneficial properties. Its grains contain carboxylic acid, which helps prevent heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, a drink made from coffee-tree beans can slow down inflammation in the body. Coffee significantly reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis and theoretically is able to affect insulin levels.

The benefits and harms of caffeine in diabetes

Caffeine abuse can be harmful. But its consumption in small quantities minimizes the development of diabetic complications.

What is the drink good for?

Drinking coffee with high glucose levels is not prohibited. The advantages of the drink include the presence of priceless chemical elements. Coffee beans are enriched with useful vitamins, organic acids, and other healing compounds.

Consumption of coffee in moderation has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • helps to lose weight in obesity, developed due to type 2 diabetes,
  • catalyzes metabolic processes in the body,
  • increases energy level,
  • increases the level of dopamine – a hormone,
  • mood enhancer
  • prevents heart attacks, strokes, vascular disease,
  • Helps maintain normal plasma sugar levels by improving glucose metabolism.

The use of natural coffee has a vasodilating effect on blood vessels. Caffeine has antioxidant properties that stimulate the brain. For preventive purposes, it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day at most.

Why can caffeine be harmful?

The harmful properties of caffeine include:

  • increased risk of spontaneous abortion during the gestational period,
  • excessive increase in adrenaline and carotene levels in the body,
  • increased heart rate
  • high blood pressure
  • the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue with a primary vascular lesion (rheumatoid arthritis),
  • increased anxiety
  • nervousness,
  • artificial excess of motor activity and excitability (hyperactivity).

With excessive use of coffee, the following side effects are not uncommon:

  • allergic reactions with itching and skin rash,
  • arrhythmia, abrupt jumps in blood pressure,
  • sleep disturbance.

Alkaloid – Caffeine contained in coffee. It is able to cause a slight addiction. With abuse, cases of the development of psychosis in healthy people, or an aggravation of the clinical picture in schizophrenia, have been repeatedly recorded.

Instant coffee

The most useful properties are contained in natural coffee. In the granulation process used to produce soluble powders, the bulk of the beneficial substances are lost. This significantly reduces the taste and aromatic qualities of coffee.

Manufacturers compensate for the shortcomings by artificial aromatization and the addition of chemical enhancers. Instant coffee drink – useless for diabetics.

Experts do not recommend drinking such coffee.

Natural coffee

Recommended for secondary diabetes (insulin-resistant). Despite the doubts of many patients with type 2 diabetes (about the health benefits of such a natural antioxidant), the drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves tone, and improves overall condition.

Ground coffee beans are the basis of a fragrant drink that lowers glucose levels and maintains normal glycemic indices.

Green coffee

These are coffee beans of natural varieties that have not been roasted. They contain chlorogenic acid, which helps to reduce excess body weight in diabetics who are not susceptible to insulin (type 2 disease).

Acidic compounds in green coffee have hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective and antitumor effects.

In chronic hyperglycemia, one cup of coffee per day stabilizes the course of the disease and improves the quality of life of the diabetic.