Can Diabetics Drink Wine

Effect of drinking | How to drink | Benefits, harms and contraindications

Excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects the body. But a drink such as wine, if taken in moderate doses, is not only good for health, but also considered medicinal. It is of particular value for diabetics. The composition of wine includes components due to which it is possible to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood. But today there are many types of wines on the market, and not all of them can be used for diabetes. Therefore, people suffering from this disease, you need to know what wine you can drink with diabetes.

Effect of drinking

In studies conducted in the United States of America, it was found that wine consumed in small doses positively affects blood glucose levels and helps restore tissue sensitivity to insulin. But in order for the drink to give such an effect, it is necessary to choose it correctly.

Today, the following types of wines are distinguished:

  • Dry. It does not contain sugar, because it is fermented. It is this wine that is recommended for diabetics.
  • Semi-dry. Such wine contains no more than five percent sugar.
  • Semisweet. These include Cabernet, Codru, etc. 3 to 8% sugar.
  • Fortified. The sugar concentration is ten to thirteen percent. The best representatives are Madera, Marsalu.
  • Dessert. About twenty percent sugar. “Cahors” refers to this type of wine.
  • Liquor. In the composition — thirty percent of sugar. Due to such an elevated level of this substance, the use of liquors for diabetics is prohibited. Even in small quantities, they can cause hypoglycemia.
  • Flavored. “Vermouth” refers to this type of wine. Sugar level — 10-16%.
  • Sparkling. Champagne wines belong to this group of drinks. There is no sugar in dry and semi-dry sparkling wines. In sweet / semi-sweet drinks, the concentration of this substance is not more than five percent.

It is allowed to consume wines whose sugar concentration does not exceed 4%.

In diabetes mellitus, it is allowed to consume wines whose sugar concentration does not exceed four percent. Therefore, the answer to the frequently asked question: is it possible to drink dry wine with diabetes, is yes. Actually, only such types of wines are allowed for use by people who have this disease.

Sweet, semi-sweet wines and especially liquors should be completely excluded from the diet. They will not bring benefits, but only harm the body.

The color of the wine also matters. The quality of the finished product is affected by the grape variety, place of its collection and year of harvest, as well as production technology. In order to increase the amount of polyphenols in wine, dark berries with a thick skin are used in its manufacture. Since the production process of white and rosé wines does not provide for this, there are not many polyphenols in such drinks. In this regard, with type 2 diabetes, dry red wine (dry) is the most optimal type.

How to drink

The glycemic index of dry red wine is forty-four. Calorie content of the drink is 64 kilocalories. One hundred grams of the product contains 0.2 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 0.3 grams of carbohydrates. The low glycemic index of the drink means that it can be used by diabetics. But you must adhere to certain rules:

  • You can drink wine only if the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream does not exceed ten mol per liter.
  • You can only use high-quality drinks from certified manufacturers. In the manufacture of wine should be used exclusively natural ingredients, otherwise it can be harmful to health.
  • As mentioned earlier, only dry wines with a sugar concentration of not more than four percent are allowed. In addition, you must monitor the amount of alcohol that is contained in it. The lower the degree, the better.
  • Excessive alcohol negatively affects the body. This rule also applies to wine. The maximum daily dose of this drink is no more than one hundred and fifty milliliters. In some cases, it is allowed to consume up to two hundred milliliters. If a woman suffers from diabetes, for her this norm should be less than half.
  • Do not drink too often. During the week it is best to have three glasses of wine.
  • It is forbidden to drink wine on an empty stomach. Before you drink a little wine, you need to eat a bit. The same applies to other types of alcohol in diabetes.
  • Drinking wine should not be accompanied by excessive consumption of food. You must tirelessly adhere to a diet.
  • When drinking alcohol, blood glucose control should be constant. With its changes, appropriate measures should be taken.
  • On the day when the feast is planned, you should limit the intake of drugs, reduce their dose. Alcoholic beverages have the property of enhancing the effect of medicines.

Dry wine really has the property of lowering blood sugar. And it can be used by patients, both with first and second type of diabetes. But this does not mean that wine can replace medical products designed to lower blood glucose levels.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

If you adhere to the rules above, wine will be beneficial for diabetics. Among the positive qualities of this drink are the following:

  • the presence in the composition of vitamins and amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • resveratrol contained in wine has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Thanks to this component, wine is a good preventive measure against ailments that affect the heart;
  • polyphenols included in the drink kill pathogenic microorganisms located in the patient’s body;
  • wine can be used to prevent gastrointestinal diseases;
  • influencing the process of cellular regeneration, the drink can slow down the aging of the body;
  • when using normal doses of wine, the chance of developing cancer is reduced.

Diabetes and wine in small doses can be combined

But due to the excessive consumption of even red dry wine, the development of the following is possible:

  • stomach cancer;
  • cirrhosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension
  • ischemia;
  • depression.

Also, one should not forget that wine, like other alcoholic drinks, is contraindicated for diabetics if they have:

  • renal failure;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • pancreatitis;
  • liver disease;
  • gout
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • chronic hypoglycemia.

Small doses of dry red wine have a therapeutic effect

With the exception of these contraindications, small doses of dry red wine several times a week will have a therapeutic effect and will positively affect the patient’s condition and the functioning of his body.

Thus, although diabetics cannot drink alcohol, diabetes and wine in small doses can be combined.

But for people with diabetes, only dry wine with a sugar concentration of not more than four percent is suitable.

Red wine is optimal. Drinking wine in small quantities will have a positive effect on the body. Excessive intake of this drink can lead to the development of complications.