Inhaled insulin and Medtronic

Inhaled insulin | Pros and Cons of Inhaled insulin | Injection ports Medtronic | Pros and Cons of Medtronic

As practice shows, the route of administration of insulin is not the most important factor in the successful control of diabetes. The correct daily routine, moderate physical activity, good nutrition and regular sugar control – these are the main components of good health. Different injection methods are just an opportunity to adjust medication to your lifestyle.

Inhaled insulin

Inhaled insulin is not used as often as other methods. But it is approved by the FDA (regulatory authority in the US), so we just cannot help but talk about it.

Inhaled insulin is used to compensate for carbohydrates and correct glycemia after eating. It begins to act faster than bolus injections. But most importantly, every time you do not need to do an injection.

Insulin is sold in special inhalers similar to asthma. The medicine is sprayed in the form of a fine powder that enters the bloodstream through the lungs. After opening the inhalers are suitable for use no more than 15 days.

Pros and Cons of Inhaled insulin


  • the number of injections is reduced;
  • you can take insulin immediately after eating – the maximum content of insulin in the blood occurs within half an hour;
  • inhaled insulin allows you to more smoothly regulate the level of glucose in the blood and reduce its jumps, reduce the number of episodes of glycemia.


  • does not ­­­­­­­­for patients under the age of 18 years.

Injection ports Medtronic

These devices appeared not so long ago but became adored among users of syringe pens. I-Port includes:

  • a port made in the form of a cannula placed under the skin into which injections are made;
  • special device for quick installation of the injection port.

The port is attached using an adhesive base and can be on the skin for up to 72 hours. The result is only one puncture in three days instead of several injections daily.

Pros and Cons of Medtronic


  • fewer punctures – less pain and sores on the skin;
  • one port is suitable for basal insulin and bolus injections, provided that there is at least an hour break between injections;
  • suitable for adults and children;
  • the port does not need to be removed before training or taking a shower.


  • if the installation and use rules are not followed, infection may occur, inflammation at the installation site;
  • additional expenses – the port needs to be changed 1 time in 3 days.