The Insulin Pump – the Downsides of the Device

Cannula Bend | Air bubbles | Patch Irritation | The insulin is spoiled | Soreness

Insulin pumps eliminate daily injections and greatly simplify diabetes compensation. But do not think that buying and installing a modern gadget will solve all your problems.

The first thing the user is faced with is the correct setup of the device. It is important to set the duration of insulin action, carbohydrate coefficients, etc. This takes several weeks, during which you need to be on the alert and constantly monitor the level of sugar. Second – you may have difficulty wearing a pump. We’ll talk about them.

Cannula Bend

A sudden increase of blood sugar, lack of response to manual insulin administration can cause panic. But the cause of the problem is commonplace – the cannula simply bent, and it was quite simple to replace the infusion set or the needle itself. This problem is faced by all beginners, but it can confuse experienced users.

Most often, Teflon cannulas are bent, which are inserted at a right angle. They are used by athletes and people with an active lifestyle. If you don’t want to face such a problem, use systems with a steel needle.

Air bubbles in an insulin container

If the cartridges are not properly filled with insulin, air bubbles may appear in them. With subcutaneous administration of the drug, this is a small problem. But because of the bubbles, the dosage may be wrong. The result is inadequate compensation and hyperglycemia.

Large moving bubbles need to be lowered. If they are small, like champagne bubbles on the walls – you can leave them be.

Patch Irritation

Manufacturers are constantly improving the adhesive formulation, eliminate possible allergens. Despite this irritation from the patch after installing the infusion system remains the main complaint of users of insulin pumps. Local inflammation develops; it turns red, swelling appears, itching. If you encounter such a problem, you can solve it in one of two ways:

Pick up a hypoallergenic patch to which the skin responds normally. Cut a hole in it under the cannula and stick it on the skin. Install an infusion system on top;

Use protective sprays that protect the skin from the negative effects of glue.

The insulin spoiled due to the heat

Insulin can be stored at temperatures from +4 to + 30 ° C. When going beyond these limits, the medicine loses its properties. To protect insulin from heat, you need to take care of special thermal covers for the insulin pump or fill the tank halfway. If you do not follow, the work of artificial pancreas will not bring results and sugar will increase.

Soreness at the site of installation of the cannula

Pain can occur at the time of installation, for example, if the needle entered the muscle or one to two days after the installation of the system due to inflammation. In the second case, you need to replace the infusion set with a new one.

These are not the problems, because of which it is worth abandoning the convenience of using insulin pumps. But knowing the problem in person, it can be overcome or prevented.

And for comfortable wearing of the pump, we offer to buy a soft belt. It fits tightly around the waist, fits absolutely everyone: both adults and children; not visible under clothes.