10 Facts About Diabetes

Answers to questions that you did not ask. Responsible practicing expert with experience.

The article is unscientific in nature, merely simplifying and generalizing the facts.

1. An injection of insulin – it does not hurt, especially compared with intramuscular injections. In an insulin syringe, the size of the needle is much smaller than usual, and they are injected subcutaneously into the muscle.

2. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells. Without it, your blood will turn into sugar syrup and if your blood permanently resembles sugar syrup, this condition is called “diabetes.”

Without Insulin blood turns into sugar syrup.

3. When discussing the causes and characteristics of diabetes, it turns out that there are at least two types of diabetes and these are fundamentally different diseases.

Type 1: occurs due to the absence of intrinsic insulin, because the cells secreting insulin are dead. Diet and sugar-lowering teas will not help – you need to inject insulin. Begins from a young age.

Type 2: occurs due to lack of insulin. Most often, the reason is that the person is overweight. There are more rare causes: poor cell susceptibility to this hormone or poor quality of your own insulin. With type 2 diabetes, you need to go on a diet, the doctor may prescribe sugar-lowering pills and even insulin. If you have a grandmother with diabetes, then this is her type.

4. Suddenly there is diabetes insipidus, it is associated with a lack of the hormone vasopressin, which is secreted by the brain. To replenish it, a special aerosol or drops in the nose are used.

Type 2 diabetes can be cured by losing weight.

5. Type 2 diabetes in most cases can be cured by losing weight. There is no cure for type 1, only compensation with insulin and blood sugar control, which is generally quite good. I have reason to be sure that our children will find a cure for this ailment.

6. With type 1 diabetes, you are not required to diet and restrict sweets. You can eat even a whole cake but eating sweets with type one diabetes is like driving at a high speed: simple carbohydrates like sugar or pastries are quickly digested and enter the blood, unlike complex carbohydrates, such as buckwheat. You need to have the same “fast” insulin and be able to use it to compensate for the sharply increasing blood sugar, but it is not so simple.

7. Mankind has been starving throughout its history and only the last 40 years of food are plentiful – this played a big role in the development and spread of diabetes, our body was simply not ready for so many calories. The number of patients with diabetes will decrease with generations due to natural selection, which is happening now.

8. Proteins and fats also increase blood sugar, but much more slowly and to a lesser extent than carbohydrates. Smart people even make perfect diabetes compensation. The calculation of the dose of insulin for each meal is made by the program on the basis of BZHU products and individual previously calculated compensation factors.

Low sugar is much more dangerous than high sugar.

9. Low sugar (hypoglycemia) is much more dangerous than high sugar. If you inject more insulin than necessary, or eat less than prescribed, you can have a low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia happens in healthy people: athletes, alcoholics, starving people. In this state, your brain does not receive glucose, which is vital for it, and slowly dies.

10. For the first time insulin was obtained from the pancreas of a pig. Baker’s yeast and E. coli are now producing insulin.

Ten years ago I read about the unthinkable technologies for real-time sugar control, now it is available to everyone. The quality of insulin has become much better. And most importantly, if with diabetes you can closely monitor sugar, you can live a long and happy life.