Continuous Glucose Measurement (CGM)

Why do you need glucose monitoring | Blood glucose increased | The components of the device | Care of the infusion site

Continuous reading of data on your glucose level (measurement every minute or 5 minutes). It also evaluates trends in increasing or decreasing glucose levels.

Clinical studies show that the use of monitoring reduces the severity and frequency of hypoglycemia.

Why do you need glucose monitoring

  • For better blood glucose control.
  • To reduce the amount of hypoglycemia.
  • To recognize a situation of low blood glucose (in case of asymptomatic hypoglycemia).
  • To understand how different foods affect your blood glucose.
  • Improvements in glucose control at night.
  • For safe driving, travel.

Blood glucose increased

  • If hyperglycemia is noted for a long time, it may be necessary to change the infusion system.
  • Insulin can crystallize and block the needle or catheter.
  • Hyperglycemia is treated using the standard protocol, urine should be checked for ketones.
  • Treatment of hyperglycemia: insulin injection, determination of malfunction in the pump, replacement of the infusion system.
  • If ketones are detected in the urine, and the blood glucose level is elevated, this indicates a lack of insulin.
  • If the glucose level is normal or low, but ketones are still present, then you need to compensate for the carbohydrate deficiency and introduce the appropriate dose of insulin for food.

What are the components of the device

Sensor. A small, thin wire inserted into the subcutaneous fat with a needle and injection device. After setting the needle is removed, the wire remains in the subcutaneous fat. The length of the wire is from 6 to 15 mm. Enzymes that interact with glucose in the interstitial fluid (the fluid around the cells) are located on the surface of the sensor. The chemical reaction “glucose-enzyme” generates an electrical signal that is sent to the receiving device (where it is translated into the value of the glucose level).

Transmitter. When the sensor is inserted into subcutaneous fat, a waterproof reusable information transmitter is connected to it.

Receiver. Information can be received both on the insulin pump and on a separate device. Information is updated every 5 minutes, a tendency to a decrease / increase in blood glucose levels, alarms are shown. The sensor can be used from 3 to 7 days (depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, type of device).

Important! The device must be calibrated (measure the blood glucose level with a glucometer and enter data into the device) as many times as the device manufacturer recommends.

Care of the infusion site

  1. The place of installation of the infusion system must be changed every 48–72 hours, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the place of administration of insulin (whether there is irritation, inflammation or infection).
  3. Measures to prevent the development of irritation, inflammation or infection: clean hands during administration, treatment of the injection site with disinfectants; change of the installation site of the infusion system every 48–72 hours.
  4. What to do if symptoms of infection are detected:
  • change the infusion system and injection site;
  • clean the infusion site;
  • apply a sterile dressing;
  • if signs of infection persist within 24–48 hours, consult a doctor.