Comparison Of Diabetes Types

Sugar Diabetes Type 1 | What is type 1 diabetes | Type 2 diabetes

Sugar Diabetes Type 1

Pancreatic beta cells are damaged as a result of an autoimmune process.

Autoimmune process – this is a situation in which one’s own immunity does not work properly – normal body cells are attacked.

More often it happens before the age of 35, but it can occur at any age. Your insulin is not produced.

Treatment is insulin therapy.

What is type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is more often detected before age 35 but can develop at any age. The pancreas is attacked by its own immune cells.

  • The production of INSULIN is stopped.
  • Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells and get involved in the energy production process.
  • The body does not realize what happened – it lacks energy, which means that it lacks glucose.
  • Glucose is released from the “storage rooms” – the liver. Blood glucose level rises even more.
  • The alternate pathway for generating energy is included – from adipose tissue. Ketones form.

In the absence of insulin, a deficiency of energy occurs, since glucose cannot enter the cells. The blood glucose level rises, it begins to be excreted in the urine.

The alternate way to get energy is from fats, but this way is toxic, since ketones are formed. They are also sources of energy, but when a certain concentration is reached, they are harmful to the body.

 Ketones are excreted in the urine, and also through the lungs in the form of acetone. Blood “acidifies” – this is called “Ketoacidosis” – a dangerous, critical situation for the body.

Type 2 diabetes

In most cases, associated with the presence of excess weight. It often happens after the age of 35, but recently it has become mor prevalent in children, adolescents and young adults due to the prevalence of obesity.

Pancreatic beta cells can produce insulin, but the body’s sensitivity to insulin is worsened due to excess and altered adipose tissue, which prevents insulin from acting properly.

The basis of treatment is lifestyle correction: diet, regular aerobic physical activity.

Also, drugs with different mechanisms of action are used in the treatment. In some cases, the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus may require the administration of insulin.

What type of diabetes you have and what treatment you need is determined by your doctor.