How to Recognize Diabetes in Children – Advice from Endocrinologists

Signs of diabetes in children | Prevention | Diabetes is dangerous

Almost every second child is diagnosed with diabetes when the disease is already progressing, and hyperglycemia develops. This dangerous condition that threatens life can turn into a diabetic coma. The kid is taken away by ambulance and, at times, the disease manages to cause serious damage to health. But this can be avoided if symptoms are noticed in a timely manner.

Although diabetes does not appear immediately, it is not so difficult to identify it. It is enough to do a blood test for sugar. Many endocrinologists recommend doing this test to everyone, both healthy and people at risk 1-2 times a year. But the symptoms can be seen without analysis, you just need to observe the child and, if they occur, to avoid tragedy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Studies show that most parents have no idea how the disease develops and manifests. A quarter indicate erroneous symptoms, such as a love of sweets. To clarify the situation, we have compiled a list of the main symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

Signs of diabetes in children

One scientist spoke about the main causes and symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children. There is no one reason, this is the coincidence of several factors: this is a genetic predisposition, and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, a consequence of stress, and even transferred viral diseases.

Unfortunately, type 1 diabetes in children is almost impossible to prevent. But you can identify it in a timely manner and choose the right treatment, diet. If you provide the right treatment, the child will be able to live a full life. The most important thing is to see the symptoms as early as possible.

Type 1 diabetes in children is almost impossible to prevent.

Be alert to:

  • constant thirst, dry mouth;
  • frequent urination
  • weight loss and a simultaneous increase in appetite.

Even if something like this does not happen to the child all the time, there is no need to wait. The examination will not take much effort, but it can save you from dangerous complications.

To control the level of glucose in the blood, you can get a glucometer, that with the help of test strips can give you an accurate result.

Attention! If the child has diabetes, inform the teacher at school. Knowing about the disease, they will be able to properly provide assistance in an emergency.

Prevention: how to reduce the risk of diabetes

  • Regular exercise will help strengthen the immune system, protect the body from infections that can provoke the development of the disease;
  • warm atmosphere in the family – often it is strong emotional stress that causes diabetes;
  • take care of the baby’s pancreas from the first days, limit the use of harmful foods: sweets, especially sweet soda, snacks and other foods that contain a lot of sugar or unhealthy fats;
  • do not ignore the disease, hoping that everything will go away – if the first symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor.

Remember! If you call an ambulance if you suspect hyperglycemia – tell your doctor about your observations, do not refuse hospitalization. Doctors can quickly diagnose and make a plan of care.

Why is diabetes so dangerous

Diabetes itself, if controlled, is not life threatening. But, if you allow the disease to go unchecked, if you do not monitor the sugar and allow it to be at too high a level, the development of dangerous complications is possible. With constant hyperglycemia (when glucose is at a level above 9-10 mmol / l for a long time), glycated hemoglobin appears in the blood. The blood becomes thick, passes poorly through the capillaries, the blood supply to the tissues is disturbed. As a result, the following may develop:

  • cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, fragility of blood vessels, hypertension, stroke is possible;
  • local tissue immunity is impaired, wounds heal slowly, can develop into a trophic ulcer;
  • vision problems: cataracts, glaucoma, complete blindness is possible;
  • impaired renal function, in advanced cases – renal failure;
  • diabetic foot syndrome is the most common, but far from the most harmless complication. At the initial stage, it is manifested by dry skin, but can cause gangrene, lead to amputation of the legs;
  • headaches, dizziness, diabetic coma are possible due to malnutrition of the brain.