15 Tips For A Successful And Enjoyable Visit To Your Doctor

Positive attitude | Long wait avoidance | Questionaire | Medical records | List of medications | Diary | Right accents | Correction | Second opinion | Your doctor | Specialized assistance | Supporting | Responsibility | Only truth | Visit doctor regularly

Positive attitude

Have a positive attitude. People work in clinics and hospitals, and if you get there already with a grudge against the whole world, this is unlikely to help establish friendly contact with the staff.

Long wait avoidance

Try to find the easiest way to get an appointment. Our medical institutions are famous for their queues, however, now in many places there is an opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet or by phone, this will make it possible to avoid unpleasant incidents associated with long wait times.


Make a list of questions to ask the doctor. Sometimes it is easy to get confused and forget once you are in the doctor’s office. In order not to forget to ask all your questions, prepare a list at home.

Medical records

Take all medical records. If you were in hospitals, did some research, be sure to take the results with you for an appointment. This will help the doctor to quickly navigate your condition and evaluate it in comprehensively.

List of medications

Make a list of your medications. If you are going to the doctor for the first time, be sure to rewrite the names of all the medicines you take and their dosages and try to remember if you had allergic reactions to any drugs. This will help the doctor choose the right treatment and reduce the risk of side effects.


Bring your diary or log. To make the visit to the endocrinologist the most useful and informative, take a self-monitoring diary with you to your appointment. If you do not keep a diary constantly, start keeping it, at least 3-5 days before the visit to the doctor. The diary should contain measurements of blood glucose levels before meals and two hours after, on an empty stomach and before bedtime, as well as information about food and physical activity.

Right accents

Pay attention to the problem yourself. Unfortunately, due to the limited time of the visit, the doctor does not always have time to conduct a thorough examination. Indicate the problem yourself to the doctor so that he pays special attention to it. For example, ask for your belly to be checked for lipodystrophy.


Feel free to clarify. Very often, the doctor’s recommendations are not exactly understood, for example, the doctor prescribed a drug for continuous use, and the patient decided that it should be taken for a certain period of time. Ask at the reception how often you need to take the medicine and for how long.

Second opinion

Get a second opinion. If you are worried that it is possible that your treatment is not going right, seek the advice of other doctors in this specialty.

Your doctor

Find your doctor. For a person with a chronic disease, including diabetes, it is very important to contact a doctor to successfully manage the disease. If you feel that the relationship is not working out, you have every right to change the doctor.

Specialized assistance

Seek specialized assistance. Some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, require observation by several specialists. Be sure to ask your doctor for directions for examinations from other specialists.


Take a loved one with you to your appointment. Sometimes people may not pay attention to some symptoms of the disease. A close person can draw the attention of a doctor to changes in a person’s condition and provide psychological support.


Take charge of your treatment. Many diseases, including diabetes, are closely related to lifestyle. Therefore, the success of treatment will depend on you if you adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations and lead the right lifestyle.

Only truth

Only speak the truth. In order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, the doctor needs to have all the information about your disease. You do not need to hide any mistakes, for example, in a diet or lifestyle, because the main task of a doctor is to help you cope with the situation, and not to scold you.

Visit doctor regularly

Try to visit your doctor regularly. Talk to your doctor about your frequency of visits. It is a regular visit to the doctor that will achieve excellent control over the disease.