15 Facts About Insulin Pumps

What is insulin pump | The effectiveness | Basal insulin level | Temporary basal level | Bolus helper | Bolus insulin | Stretched bolus  | A double-wave bolus | Catheters | Infusion sets | Replacement of catheter | Latest technologies | Turning off the pump | Metal detectors | Accessories

What is insulin pump

An insulin pump is a device for supplying insulin to subcutaneous fat. It consists of a pump itself, a small device the size of a pager and an infusion system ending in a catheter installed in the body.

The effectiveness of it

The effectiveness of the use of pump-based insulin therapy in people with frequent episodes of severe hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia with loss of consciousness) has been proven. In the subcutaneous fat, unlike the regimen of multiple insulin injections, an insulin depot is not created. Also, in the insulin pump it is possible to interrupt the flow of insulin.

Basal insulin level

The pump constantly delivers insulin to the human body at a rate of about 0.1 U / kg. This function allows you to simulate the similar operation of a real pancreas in a person without diabetes. Since the sensitivity to insulin in a person depends on the time of day, accordingly, the speed at which the pump must supply insulin is different.

Temporary basal level

Function to reduce / increase the speed of insulin delivery for a certain period. For example, in the case of physical activity, it is recommended to establish a reduced temporary basal level two hours before the start of classes, in order to prevent the development of an episode of hypoglycemia.

Bolus helper

Bolus helper is a function that allows you to correctly calculate the dose of insulin. To do this, you need to set the values ​​of the sensitivity coefficient, the ratio of insulin: carbohydrates, enter the value of the blood glucose level before eating, the number of carb units. The bolus assistant stores in memory the amount of active insulin left over from previous injections and uses it when calculating the dose of insulin.

Bolus insulin

When using a pump, an insulin bolus is also performed 15 minutes before a meal. The entire dose of a bolus of insulin can be administered at a time or extended over time.

Stretched bolus 

Square (stretched) bolus — in this case, the introduction of a dose of insulin can be stretched to the desired amount of time. This function can be used when consuming very fatty foods that are absorbed for a long time, a long feast, or if the glucose level is slightly reduced before insulin administration.

A double-wave bolus

A double-wave bolus (multi-wave) is a combination of a simple and extended bolus. Part of the dose of insulin is administered immediately, and the second part is stretched for the desired period of time. It is used when consuming food with different biochemical composition (carbohydrates + fats, proteins), for the correction of high sugar before eating.


There are two types of Teflon catheters that are installed at a right or acute angle. The latter option is especially relevant for people with moderately developed subcutaneous fat, as well as for physically active patients. There are also metal catheters, their advantage lies in their inflexibility. Catheters also differ in length (6, 9, 12 mm). It is very important to change the catheters on time: every second day (48 hours) metal catheters, and every third day (72 hours) Teflon. The replacement of the catheter must occur at such a time (morning hours) so that it is possible to assess the patency of the catheter.

Infusion sets

There are different types of infusion systems, they vary in length (45, 60, 80, 110 cm). The choice of the length of the infusion set, as a rule, depends on the personal preferences of the person.

Replacement of catheter

Since the insulin pump provides small doses of ultra-short-acting insulin analogues, when the supply is stopped, the risk of a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, up to the development of diabetic ketoacidosis, sharply increases. That is why doctors recommend changing the catheter in the morning to evaluate the flow of insulin during the day.

Latest technologies

The latest generation insulin pumps are equipped with a function to turn off the supply of insulin when the threshold level of glucose is reached. They will enter the market soon and will predict a decrease in glucose levels and turn off the supply of insulin in advance.

Turning off the pump

An insulin pump can be turned off for no more than an hour, without the risk of a critical increase in blood glucose levels. For example, during bathing, you can disconnect the pump, attach the cap and not worry.

Metal detectors

Metal detectors do not harm the operation of the insulin pump. When you undergo pre-flight screening at the airport, provide a doctor’s certificate confirming that you have diabetes and ask for a manual screening. Check with your airline in advance for rules for finding medical devices on board.


At the moment there are a huge number of belts, elastic bandages, covers for comfortable wearing of the pump throughout the day. There are also special shorts, underwear and even stockings with small pockets where you can put the pump.