15 Facts About Preventing Diabetes Complications

Glucose level control | Glycated hemoglobin | Screening | Hypoglycemia | Loss of precursors of hypoglycemia | Lipodystrophies | Diabetic ketoacidosis | Diabetic hyperosmolar coma | Diabetic retinopathy | Diabetic nephropathy | Diabetic distal neuropathy | Diabetic autonomic neuropathy | Diabetic foot | Diabetic fetopathy | Normal blood glucose level

Glucose level control

With poor control of diabetes, blood glucose levels increase. In high concentrations, glucose has a damaging effect on blood vessels and nerves, which in the future can lead to the development of chronic complications of diabetes.

Glycated hemoglobin

With a glycated hemoglobin value of less than 6.5%, the risk of developing chronic complications of diabetes is minimal. However, not for all people with diabetes, this level of glycated hemoglobin is the target. It is important to discuss with your endocrinologist the individual target values ​​of glycated hemoglobin (A1C).


It is necessary to regularly (at least once a year) be screened at a diabetes center to rule out chronic complications of diabetes. The examination plan should include determining the level of glycated hemoglobin, urinalysis for microalbuminuria, ECG, examination of the endocrinologist (including examination of the legs), examination of the ophthalmologist.


Hypoglycemia — low blood glucose, is one of the side effects of insulin treatment and antidiabetic tablets (sulfonylurea drugs). The lower the level of glycated hemoglobin, the more often episodes of hypoglycemia can occur. An effective method of preventing hypoglycemia is to frequently measure blood glucose levels.

Loss of precursors of hypoglycemia

With the frequent development of episodes of hypoglycemia, a loss of precursors of hypoglycemia (feeling of hunger, anxiety, weakness, frequent heartbeat, increased sweating) may develop. This condition is very dangerous, since a person does not feel a decrease in blood glucose, and as a result, does nothing. Glucose levels can critically decrease, and a person may lose consciousness, help from outsiders will be required to administer glucose or glucagon. This condition is called severe hypoglycemia and is life threatening.


Another complication of insulin therapy is the formation of lipodystrophies — painless seals of subcutaneous fat, leading to impaired absorption of insulin from these areas. A method of preventing this complication is the alternation of injection sites of insulin.

Diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition caused by the lack of insulin in the body. Most often this occurs due to the refusal of insulin injections, the presence of an acute infection in the body or the onset of diabetes. Particularly careful should be patients using an insulin pump, since in this case the body does not have a supply of basal insulin, unlike people using multiple injections of insulin.

Diabetic hyperosmolar coma

Diabetic hyperosmolar coma is a condition that is typical primarily for patients with type 2 diabetes, in which there is a slight insulin production. This condition is characterized by hyperglycemia and dehydration.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic complication of diabetes in which vessels in the retina are damaged. All people with diabetes need to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and undergo a complete eye examination for prevention.

Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a chronic complication of diabetes in which the blood vessels of the kidneys are damaged. For prevention purposes, people with diabetes need to do daily urine collection and evaluate daily protein loss.

Diabetic distal neuropathy

Diabetic distal neuropathy is a chronic complication of diabetes in which a high concentration of blood glucose has a damaging effect on the peripheral nerves. This complication is manifested by a burning sensation, numbness, “goose bumps” in the legs, and then in the hands.

Diabetic autonomic neuropathy

Diabetic autonomic neuropathy is a condition in which nerves of internal organs and blood vessels are damaged. This condition is characterized by the development of gastroparesis (delayed by empty stomach) or orthostatic hypotension (when the body moves to a vertical position, blood pressure sharply decreases). Of particular danger is the development of a painless form of coronary heart disease.

Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot is a serious complication resulting from the prolonged presence of diabetic neuropathy. A means of prevention is a regular and thorough examination of the legs for wounds, chafing, and darkening of the skin. It is also necessary to remember that people with reduced sensitivity in their legs should not walk barefoot!

Diabetic fetopathy

Diabetic fetopathy is a serious complication of pregnancy in women with poor diabetes control during pregnancy. Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to pregnancy. With satisfactory control of glucose levels at the planning stage and during pregnancy, women can have absolutely healthy children.

Normal blood glucose level

The only effective way to avoid the occurrence of chronic complications of diabetes is to maintain a blood glucose level close to the normal values ​​of a person without diabetes