Foot Care Rules for Diabetes

Legs inspection | Feet washing | Water temperature | If your feet freeze | Shoes inspection | Socks and stockings | Choosing shoes | Barefoot walking | In case of injuries | Corns | Toenails trimming rules | Dry skin | Blood flow maintenance | Danger simptomes | First-aid kit

  • Inspect the legs, interdigital spaces, soles of the feet daily to detect blisters, cuts, scratches and other injuries in time, they can become the entrance gate for infection.
  • Wash your feet daily and wipe them carefully (without rubbing). Do not forget about the spaces between toes. After a shower or swimming, it is important to thoroughly dry your feet.

It is important to thoroughly dry your feet!

  • Do not expose your feet to very low or very high temperatures. Check the water in the bathroom first with your hand to make sure that it is not very hot.
  • If your feet freeze at night, wear warm (woolen) socks. Do not use heating pads, steam heaters, electric heaters, or other hot objects.
  • Inspect your shoes daily to see if sharp objects have fallen into them, if the lining is torn, or if the insole is broken.
  • Change socks and stockings daily. Wear only appropriate-sized stockings or socks with loose elastic. Size less than necessary and / or products with tight elastic is not a good idea.

Socks with tight elastic is not a good idea.

  • Buy only those shoes that sit comfortably on the foot from the very beginning, both narrow and too spacious shoes contribute to the appearance of calluses and scuffs. Shoes should be soft, narrow squeezing and hard shoes are prohibited. The heel should be stable, 4-5 cm, you should not wear stilettos. Never wear sandals with a strap that runs between your toes on your bare foot.
  • Walking on the beach or on the grass is allowed only in closed slippers. Never walk barefoot, especially on a hot surface!
  • In case of injuries, you cannot use products that dry and color the skin (iodine, alcohol, potassium permanganate), as well as ointments that are very greasy. Abrasions, cuts, etc. treat with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution), and preferably with special means (miramistin, chlorhexidine) and apply a sterile dressing.

Never walk barefoot!

  • Do not remove corns on your own. Do not use chemicals or formularies to soften corns (such as the Salipod patch) and do not remove corns with cutting tools (razors, scalpels, pedicure nippers, scissors).
  • Trim your toenails straight, without trimming the corners (since after such trimming the corners grow). It is preferable to use pedicure files for nail care, rather than scissors and pedicure nippers. Also, use pumice to care for keratinized skin of the feet.

It is strictly forbidden to use corn knives, razor blades, corn plasters, and anti-corn creams.

  • If the skin of your feet is dry, moisturize them (but not the interdigital spaces) with a fatty alcohol-free cream or special urea products.
  • To maintain blood flow in the legs, stretch your toes and bend your feet for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Do exercises to improve blood circulation.
  • In case of loss of sensation, wounds to the feet, darkening of the skin of the fingers, the appearance of pain in the calves when walking and at rest, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Any trip with you should have a first-aid kit: sterile wipes, a bactericidal patch, disinfectants, self-adhesive bandage or dressings.