If You Are Newbie in Diabetes

Obtaining preparations | Find your doctor | School of diabetes | A regular examination | Social life, study, work | Psychologist’s help | Find like-minded ones

You just found out that you have diabetes. Most likely, your acquaintance began shockingly – from hospitalization to the hospital directly from home or from the clinic. And the words “insulin”, “complications”, “count carbohydrates, bread units”, “control”, “glucometer” and others are now mixed with fear in my head. Try to hear – everything will be fine! Despite diabetes, you can live a full and happy life. But first, let’s figure out where to start and what to do next.

Obtaining preparations

Every person with diabetes has the right to receive insulin and sugar-lowering pills, depending on what treatment he needs. In the event that you were previously disabled, and you did not refuse to receive medicines according to preferential recipes, then you will be able to prescribe the necessary drugs at the first call. In case of refusal of preferential medicines, contact the Pension Fund. In the absence of disability, you will be issued a regional benefit at an appointment with an endocrinologist or a local therapist at a community clinic. The doctor will put you on record, that is, fill out the necessary registration documents. Often, registration of regional benefits requires constant registration at the place of residence, it all depends on the region where you live. Check with your doctor or local health committee (by phone or online).

Find your doctor

Of course, first of all you should go to the endocrinologist in the district clinic. If your clinic does not have such a doctor, then you can also contact a specialized diabetes center or consultative diagnostic center in your area. It is important that the doctor with whom you are being monitored can help you – answer questions, help with the selection of insulin doses, teach you how to cope with hypoglycemia – and not just write prescriptions.

If you live in a small town or countryside, then, of course, a problem may arise not only with the choice of a doctor, but even with his presence. In this case, you can ask you to be sent to one of the federal medical institutions in a large city, for examination and assistance in correcting treatment.

School of diabetes

The school of diabetes is a course of studies (usually no more than 7 days), which tells about the basics of living with diabetes. You will learn what bread units and carbohydrates are and how to count them, they will tell you about the types of insulin and their effects, the rules for storage and administration of drugs, as well as what are the complications of diabetes and how to deal with them. Schools of diabetes are held in the endocrinology departments of hospitals, in diabetes centers, sometimes in clinics. Feel free to ask the teacher! Questions should not go unanswered. You can also use the online diabetes school on our website.

A regular examination

It must be done at least once a year. It is a study of blood tests, urine tests, an electrocardiogram for evaluating the functioning of the heart, fluorograms of the lungs, an examination by an ophthalmologist with special drops for pupil dilatation, and a neurologist or podiatrist. This is necessary to clarify the presence of those very chronic complications of diabetes. For the examination, it is not necessary to go to the hospital, everything can be done in the clinic at the place of residence. A special analysis – blood for glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) – should be taken every 3-4 months.

Social life, study, work

Yes, changes can happen. It all depends on what you do. If your work is not related to the management, for example, of an airplane or train, then you are unlikely to need to change your specialty. Whether or not to tell others about your illness is entirely up to you. But still it’s not worth it to completely shut yourself in and remain alone with the disease. There are definitely people in your environment who can be told about diabetes.

Psychologist’s help

It is very difficult to accept having a serious chronic disease. It is not easy to reconcile, suppress resentment, cope with anger, fight fears of complications, unknown future, opinions of others. Do not be afraid to go to the psychologist. Believe me, the way we look at the situation, how we feel it, is of great importance. And to understand yourself, without the help of a professional it can be very difficult. You can be helped by either a psychologist at the state center for psychological assistance or a specialist leading a private practice. And here, as with the attending physician, it is important to choose “your” person.

Find like-minded ones

cheers, we live in a wonderful time – the era of the Internet! And you have already found us! A considerable share of motivation can be found on the pages of people with diabetes in social networks.

Here you can ask an “experienced specialist” for advice, find a doctor or psychologist and just chat with those who understand you. On our website, in the blog section, you will also find interesting stories of patients, parents of children with diabetes, doctors.