Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

Symptoms of diabetes in pregnant women | How do women avoid diabetes? | At the age of 40 years | The first signs of diabetes in women

When sugar metabolism changes at the age of 30, then, most likely, this is type one diabetes, which is a serious immune disease. An increase in blood insulin, provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle, does not form in such early years. Type 1 diabetes in women develops quickly, almost instantly provokes acute symptoms.

At the age of 40 years, women have symptoms of diabetes

At the age of 40 years, women have symptoms of diabetes type two. Glucose rises due to improper diet, a sedentary life. Perhaps the onset of autoimmune attacks on the beta cells of the pancreatic organ produced by sugar. Slender, thin ladies often become victims.

Symptoms of diabetes type 2 in women often form at the age of 45 years.

The disease is easily taken under control if you switch to a healthy lifestyle. With this form, attacks on beta cells also occur and, due to their predisposition to attacks, it will depend on whether obesity turns into a sugar disease. In rare cases, the disease develops after 50.

The first signs of diabetes in women

The first signs of diabetes in women do not develop in the first stages but develop and last for many months. The insulin-dependent form has the following manifestations:

  • sharply reduced weight, leading to weakness;
  • constant thirst leading to frequent visits to the bathroom;
  • metallic taste in the mouth, dryness;
  • the head often hurts, which provokes nervousness;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • muscles hurt; cramps occur.

Symptoms of diabetes type 2 in women are somewhat similar to type one.

  • Immunity is reduced, the inability to overcome a cold.
  • Increased appetite leading to weight gain.
  • Hair falls out, facial hair can grow.

Symptoms of diabetes in pregnant women

Often the presence of the first symptoms of gestational diabetes mellitus in women is not suspected, since there are no signs initially. Therefore, a blood test for glucose is needed.

Symptoms and signs during pregnancy of an advanced form are manifested as:

  • thirst all day;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • hunger.

Of the external signs of diabetes in women during pregnancy, visual impairment is manifested without obvious factors.

With the development of the disease, an exacerbation of genitourinary infections occurs, which indicates a symptom. 

A common symptom of gestational diabetes is high blood pressure, which is observed for a long period of time. Increased protein in urine indicates impaired renal function. Diabetes is often the cause of this.

In the first trimester, the disease may not develop at all, the insulin index does not fluctuate significantly. Therefore, often a woman undergoes a 2-3 analysis for a week. From 13 weeks, the indicator rises sharply, and it is most often found during this period.

How do women avoid diabetes?

It is better to prevent diabetes in women than to deal with treatment afterwards.

Among the measures that can prevent the development of symptoms in women with diabetes mellitus, prophylactic treatment includes:

  • nutrition – full and high-quality;
  • active life;
  • stress resistance performance.

Due to constant physical exertion, the quality of life is improved.

Good results have been seen with gymnastics – Bodyflex. Exercises are performed for 15 minutes, leading to muscle strengthening, improved metabolic processes, effectively burn calories with type 2 diabetes in women.

It is important to monitor the diet, which will become competent preventive measures and symptoms of diabetes. Semi-finished products, alcohol, spicy food should be completely eliminated from the diet.

To understand whether there is diabetes, what are the symptoms in women, you need knowledge of what the rate of glucose in the blood is. On an empty stomach, it is 3.3-3.5 mmol / L. With fasting prediabetes, insulin is greater than 5.5 and less than 7.1 mmol / L.

If a woman has diabetes, then on an empty stomach, the indicator is more than 7.1 or 11.1 mmol / l.