A Tale About Diabetes Mellitus or How to Tell Your Child About Diabetes

How to explain to a child that he has diabetes? At an early age, children still do not understand much, it is very difficult to get them to suddenly go on a diet or start life-saving insulin injections.

Many parents ask how to do this? I always answer such questions — try a fairy tale. After all, it is a fairy tale that will help convey the meaning of the problem in a language understandable for the kid. And let the child grow up over time, and you can explain the subtleties of diabetes treatment and prevention in an adult language, but for now, up to 8-10 years old, only fairy tales will help you.

If you want to tell a story, be sure to choose a time when your child is calm and relaxed. I always advise you to do this before bed, and a fairy tale told by a mother for several days in a row will be best remembered by a baby.

Come up with a plot yourself, and if you have no ideas, read mine. This fairy tale is for a girl, but if you dream up, you can easily remake it for a boy.

Beauty and the Little Monster: A Tale of Diabetes

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She reminded me very much of you, my daughter.

One day the girl fell ill. Lying in bed with a high fever and a sore throat, she fell asleep. She had an interesting dream.

The distant and mysterious island on which the girl found herself was empty and deserted.

Suddenly, a wizard appeared out of nowhere.

“Hello, dear girl, what is your name?” He asked.

— My name is Anna, and how are you?

“Just call me Melitus, I am the wizard of this island and I want to give you a small present.

Suddenly, a box appeared in the magician’s hand, on which a blue circle was drawn.

The girl opened the box, but it was empty. Melitus explained that there is a small animal inside, which will now live with the girl all her life, and most importantly, she will have to be attentive and constantly take care of him.

— Now every day you will give him a magic serum, but you must certainly observe one condition — the elixir can enter the animal’s body only through a magic needle!

Melitus said that if, for some reason, Anna gives too much or too little of this serum, the animal will become very ill. And every day she will have to count the amount of the magic elixir herself.

“How do I know that everything is in order with my animal and I gave as much elixir as is required today?” She asked, very worried.

— For this, Melitus said, you will have to pierce your finger every day, and put a drop of blood in a special machine. This machine will issue an encrypted message, after reading which you will understand how much elixir is needed and how to further care for your invisible animal.

— Can I let go of the animal when it grows up? If I go to my grandmother’s, can I leave him at home with my mother?

— No, said the magician, the beast will always be inside you. Parents will only help to look after, but you cannot give it to anyone.

The wizard said that the girl would grow, and her little beast would grow with her. Over the years, he will become picky, ask for more attention, perhaps even want to scratch the girl’s legs, kidneys, or heart, but she must be strong and withstand everything.

Anna burst into tears, for her the words of the wizard sounded like a punishment. Melitus tried to calm him down and said the most important words:

— I promise that one day, perhaps in 10-20 years, I will save you from caring for the animal, but on condition that you, Anna, start taking proper care of it right now.

At that moment, the wizard disappeared, and the girl wiped away the last tear and noticed that she was already on any island but was sitting in the bedroom on her favorite bed. She changed her clothes and went for a walk outside.

Days, weeks, months, years passed. Anna tried to properly care for her animal, but gradually her strength ran out, and more and more often she had to cry from despair. Tired of constantly thinking how much elixir is needed today and how much tomorrow. The finger ached from constant punctures for the cherished drops of blood.

Anna wanted to live like everyone else and instead of this fastidious beast, get a cat or a dog. Each time I fell asleep, I returned to the mysterious island, where I was looking for a wizard. She really wanted to ask him to get rid of the punishment.

But instead of the wizard, she found the same boys and girls who also took care of their animals. In a dream, they were friends, joked and laughed, and then it became much easier. Anna began to understand that she was not alone, and many have similar problems with which to live.

A month later, at school, she met a girl who had the same invisible animal. And if earlier it was easy only in a dream, now it has become easier to live in reality.

Anna realized that she was not alone, and she had enough strength to pass the test. The day will come when the invisible animals will leave Anna and her friends forever.

You just have to believe in the best and everything will definitely work out.