15 Questions About a Diet for Type 2 Diabetes

Fast carbohydrates | Slow carbohydrates | Common questions | Proteins and fats

Fast carbohydrates

Consumption, which macronutrients should be limited for type 2 diabetes?

In type 2 diabetes, it is recommended that you limit your carbohydrate intake.

What are fast digesting carbohydrates?

“Fast” or “simple” carbohydrates include glucose, fructose and sucrose, they give the product a sweet taste and very quickly increase blood glucose levels, therefore, in diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to limit their consumption.

Why is it important to avoid “fast” carbohydrates?

In type 2 diabetes, the production of insulin for food is primarily affected. Products containing fast carbohydrates cause a sharp increase in blood glucose. The pancreas simply does not have time to respond by releasing enough insulin.

Slow carbohydrates

What are slow carbohydrates?

“Slow” or “complex” carbohydrates include products containing starch. Because of their more complex structure, they more slowly increase blood glucose.

Is it possible to eat “slow” carbohydrates without restriction?

No, despite the slower absorption in the intestines, “complex carbohydrates” still lead to an increase in blood glucose.

Common questions

How can I determine between “fast” and “slow” carbs?

In order to understand how quickly this product will increase blood glucose, the concept of glycemic index is used. A high glycemic index means that the product quickly increases glucose levels. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, foods with a low glycemic index should be chosen.

Is it necessary to limit the consumption of vegetables, because these are also carbohydrates?

No, since vegetables contain fiber, a very “complex” type of carbohydrate that is not absorbed in the human body. However, fiber is extremely beneficial, as it enhances the feeling of fullness and improves the digestive tract.

Is it good to drink juices with type 2 diabetes?

When juicing fruits and vegetables, part of the fiber is lost, and the product acquires a higher glycemic index. Therefore, it is much more beneficial to eat an apple with a peel (no matter what color it is!) than to drink juice made from it.

It’s much more beneficial to eat an apple with a peel than to drink juice made from it.

Is it possible to avoid all carbohydrates?

No, carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body, in their absence fats and proteins will begin to break down with the formation of toxic substances, ketones. It is also necessary to remember that with insufficient consumption of carbohydrates, taking certain medications for the treatment of diabetes can lead to too strong a decrease in blood glucose, hypoglycemia.

Should I take any special vitamins for people with diabetes?

No, with a full, balanced diet, a person with type 2 diabetes will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. A certain vitamin, which is lacking specifically for people with diabetes, does not exist.

Can I drink alcohol with type 2 diabetes?

Alcohol in type 2 diabetes mellitus is not contraindicated, but its consumption should be moderate (no more than one serving of alcohol for women, no more than two servings of alcohol for men).

Should salt intake be limited in type 2 diabetes?

If there is no concomitant hypertension, then it is recommended to follow the general advice: no more than 2.3 grams of salt per day.

Proteins and fats

What are proteins?

Proteins are mainly found in meat, but there are proteins of plant origin, such as soy. Proteins practically do not cause an increase in blood glucose levels.

With type 2 diabetes can you eat meat without restrictions?

In most cases, meat can be eaten without restriction. It is worth giving preference to lean meats such as white chicken, turkey, lean beef. Limiting protein intake can be recommended for patients with a diagnosis of advanced chronic kidney disease (not more than 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight), in some cases an even more severe restriction may be recommended.

What type of fat is undesirable for type 2 diabetes?

The intake of trans fats (hydrogenated fats, such as margarine) is strongly recommended.