15 Practical Tips on Eating Out

Controle | Eat well | Intervals | Share | Say no to white bread | Order first | Method of preparation | Ingredients | Prefere vegetables | Dessert | Minimize fat | Don’t eat to much | Check blood glucose | Bolus insulin | Alcohol


Of course, you understand that the control of diabetes and a healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition. Do not let going out become a chore.

Eat well

Eat well all day. If you had a poor breakfast, then there is a high probability that when going to a restaurant or cafe you will “stack up” on food and eat too much.

Constant intervals between meals

One component of successful glucose management is the constant intervals between meals. Therefore, if you are going to eat out, book a table in advance. Another point — when planning dinner in a restaurant, try to book a table for the time when you usually have dinner at home.

Share the main course

Share the main course! Often, portions in restaurants are very large. Share with a friend or ask them to put some of the leftover food in a container.

Say no to white bread

Say no to white bread! White flour products can increase blood glucose like sugar, they also contain a lot of calories and can affect weight. Order whole grain bread or replace the bread plate with salad.

Order first

Order first! Why? Your friends can order something that will confuse your imagination and, ultimately, you will be tempted to order the same thing that they are — something fatty and high-calorie.

Ask about the method of preparation

Find out the meaning of the names of dishes! “Fried”, “crunchy”, “special sauce” — this may mean that there are excess fats or carbohydrates in the dish. Choose steamed, grilled, baked dishes.

Ask about ingredients

Ask your waiter for the exact ingredients of the dish, ask questions: “Is sugar added to the marinade or not?”, “What foods are in the sauce?”. Feel free to ask!

Give preference to vegetables

Choose from the menu wisely, give preference to vegetables over white rice or pasta.

Think about the dessert

You may well end your dinner on a sweet note. A great option is fresh fruit. You think carbohydrates in the whole dinner. So that there is no overkill with carbohydrates, lean meat and vegetables can be the main dish, and after that you will eat, for example, a scoop of ice cream.

Minimize fat

Choose vegetables and fruits cooked with a minimum fat content (baked potatoes instead of french fries, grilled fish instead of fried).

Don’t eat to much

Eat one serving, do not take extra. Try to eat slowly so that you are the last to finish your meal.

Check blood glucose

Check your blood glucose before and after meals (after 1.5-2 hours) to understand how different foods affect it.

Calculate the dose of bolus insulin

Ask the restaurant about the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats — because you need to calculate the dose of bolus insulin.

Avoid sugar in alcohol

If you plan to drink alcohol, it is better to avoid sweet wines, liquors, cocktails