15 Facts About Planning a Pregnancy for Diabetes

Diabetes is not a contraindication for pregnancy | Main goal of pregnancy planning | Specialized centers | Glycated hemoglobin level | Examination of the man | Folic acid | Fasting blood glucose level | Diet | Common recommendations | Examination of the organs | Thyroid disease | Blood pressure control | Safety of medications | Contraception | Positive emotions

Diabetes is not a contraindication for pregnancy

Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for pregnancy. Maintaining blood glucose levels close to the target value is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

Main goal of pregnancy planning

The main goal of pregnancy planning is to reduce the adverse effects on maternal health in order to obtain healthy offspring. For women with diabetes, it is especially important to maintain target blood glucose levels to create favorable conditions for conception and gestation.

Specialized centers

Even with the stage of pregnancy planning, women with diabetes can contact the specialized centers “Diabetes and Pregnancy” for consultation and recommendations.

Glycated hemoglobin level

3-4 months before pregnancy, the level of glycated hemoglobin must be brought as close as possible to that of a person without diabetes (less than 6%). Pregnancy at a glycated hemoglobin level above 7% is undesirable.

Examination of the man

Sometimes when a man has uncompensated diabetes, it can be difficult for women to get pregnant due to the effect of prolonged hyperglycemia on sperm. The pregnancy planning phase also includes examination of the man.

Folic acid

At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is recommended to take folic acid supplements, an essential element for building the future baby’s nervous system. Consult a physician before taking the drug.

Fasting blood glucose level

During pregnancy, doctors recommend maintaining a fasting blood glucose level of 4-6 mmol / L and an hour after eating no more than 7.8 mmol / L. At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is also advisable to adhere to these values. However, it must be remembered that the target glucose values ​​are individual and are set by the attending physician.


Following a diet with a restriction of foods with a high glycemic index will help to avoid sharp increases in glucose levels after eating and achieve your goals faster.

Common recommendations

The main recommendations before pregnancy are the same as for women without diabetes — weight optimization, quitting smoking and alcohol, reducing passive inhalation of cigarette smoke, a balanced diet, vaccination (rubella virus), screening for chronic diseases and drug selection for their treatment.

Examination of the organs

Before pregnancy, an examination of the organs that are most often damaged in diabetes mellitus is necessary. To assess renal function, a general urine test and microalbuminuria analysis must be taken. An examination by an ophthalmologist will help to rule out the presence of retinopathy (retinal damage in diabetes mellitus).

Thyroid disease

Thyroid disease is often combined with diabetes. Before pregnancy, you must take a blood test to determine the concentration of thyroid hormones — thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and show the results to your endocrinologist.

Blood pressure control

It is also important to control blood pressure, a value less than 130/80 mm Hg is considered safe.

Safety of medications

Some blood pressure lowering medications can be harmful to the fetus. Some drugs used for diabetes are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. It is necessary to discuss the safety of all medications taken, with a doctor before pregnancy.


During pregnancy planning, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the use of effective methods of contraception. Diabetes mellitus is not an absolute contraindication for the use of any type of contraception.

Positive emotions

A positive emotional attitude, a friendly atmosphere in the family are important components of a successful conception and a healthy pregnancy.