15 Facts About Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia | Causes of hypoglycemia | Symptoms | Types of hypoglycemia | Danger of hypoglycemia | The loss of precursors of hypoglycemia | Rule 15 | What treats hypoglycemia | Glucagon | What does not treat hypoglycemia | Prevention | Insulin pump | Hypoglycemia and work | Hypoglycemia and physical activity | Hypoglycemia and driving 


Hypoglycemia — a condition in which there is a low level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The American Diabetes Association defines hypoglycemia as a blood glucose level of less than 3.9 mmol / L.

Causes of hypoglycemia

A decrease in blood glucose levels can result from a significant concentration of insulin in the blood (too much insulin is injected or skipping meals for various reasons after insulin injection, taking sulfonylureas), an increase in insulin sensitivity (for example, after physical exertion), and consuming a lot of alcohol.


Symptoms of hypoglycemia can be completely diverse, the most common is the appearance of feelings of hunger, internal trembling, heart palpitations, sweating, blanching of the skin, etc.

Types of hypoglycemia

Allocate severe hypoglycemia — a condition in which the help of an outsider is required; Hypoglycemia with and without precursors is also particularly prominent.

Danger of hypoglycemia

The danger of hypoglycemia — with hypoglycemia, the amount of the main brain nutrition element, glucose, decreases. Hypoglycemia can lead to clouding of consciousness, when a person cannot adequately assess the situation and make the right decisions. This is especially dangerous for people driving or operating machinery. Frequent recurrence of episodes of hypoglycemia leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms (heart palpitations, hunger, etc.). This condition is called the loss of harbingers of hypoglycemia.

The loss of precursors of hypoglycemia

The loss of precursors of hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition in which a person does not feel a decrease in blood glucose, up to loss of consciousness. Sensitivity to hypoglycemia can be returned if new episodes of hypoglycemia are not allowed to develop.

Rule 15

Rule 15 — eat or drink 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates (about 1 piece of bread), after 15 minutes measure the glucose level with a glucometer, if the glucose level remains low — eat another 15 grams of carbohydrates.

What treats hypoglycemia

What treats hypoglycemia — the most effective products that quickly increase the level of glucose in the blood — fruit juices, sugar, sweet tea. Now in pharmacies you can buy — special glucose tablets (dextrose), tubes with gel for 1 or 2 bread units.


Glucagon — a substance that increases blood glucose. Glucagon stimulates the release of glycogen from the liver, which then turns into glucose. The drug glucagon is administered intramuscularly in case of hypoglycemia.

What does not treat hypoglycemia

What does not treat hypoglycemia — with products that slowly increase blood glucose, for example, chocolate. The fat contained in it slows down absorption, because of this the glucose level will remain low for longer.


Prevention — accurate calculation of the dose of insulin, including taking into account physical exertion, avoiding skipping meals, taking in a large amount of alcohol will help prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia.

Insulin pump

Insulin pump — the effect of reducing the frequency of episodes of severe hypoglycemia when using insulin pump therapy has been proven.

Hypoglycemia and work

Hypoglycemia and work — people with diabetes mellitus, often experiencing episodes of hypoglycemia, cannot, on duty, operate heavy equipment, precision instruments, or perform work in which they will not have access to a source of carbohydrates.

Hypoglycemia and physical activity

Hypoglycemia and physical activity — physical activity enhances insulin sensitivity, this can lead to the development of hypoglycemia. This effect can be prolonged, that is, a decrease in blood glucose levels can be observed even within a day after exercise. When playing sports, you need to eat 15 grams of carbohydrates every half hour to prevent hypoglycemia. People using pump-based insulin therapy can use the temporary basal function.

Hypoglycemia and driving 

Hypoglycemia and driving — hypoglycemia affects the ability to control moving vehicles, and the speed of reaction and decision making slows down. Before driving, you need to measure your blood glucose. You should always have something to treat hypoglycemia.