15 Facts About Diabetic Retinopathy

Chronic complication of diabetes | Type 1 | Examined | Initial stage | Macular edema | Proliferative stage | Development | Vitreous hemorrhage | Retinal detachment | Laser coagulation | Treating retinopathy | Control of diabetes | Glucose values | The presence of retinopathy | Avoid lifting heavy objects


1. Chronic complication of diabetes

Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic complication of diabetes, which is caused by damage to the vessels of the retina as a result of a prolonged increase in blood glucose.


2. Type 1 diabetes mellitus

In patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, this complication can appear only as a result of poor control of glucose levels for a long period of time; in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, manifestations of retinopathy can already be observed at the stage of diagnosis.


3. diabetes need to be examined

All people with diabetes need to be examined by an ophthalmologist at least 1 time per year.

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4. The most initial stage of retinopathy

The most initial stage of retinopathy is non-proliferative. At this stage, there is an expansion of small vessels and the formation of aneurysms (protrusion of the walls of blood vessels).


5. Macular edema

Macular edema is a lesion of the central part of the retina, as a result of the exit of fluid from damaged vessels. An eye with macular edema sees a cloudy, blurry picture. To identify macular edema, it is necessary to conduct a self-examination using the Amsler mesh, which can be obtained from an ophthalmologist.


6. The proliferative stage of retinopathy

The proliferative stage of retinopathy is characterized by the appearance of newly formed vessels with a very fragile wall, damage to which leads to hemorrhage.


7. The development of nephropathy

As with retinopathy, the development of nephropathy is based on vascular damage. Therefore, if signs of retinopathy are detected, it is also necessary to evaluate renal function.


8. Vitreous hemorrhage

A formidable complication of proliferative retinopathy is vitreous hemorrhage. The first signs of hemorrhage are the appearance of blurred vision, floating blackouts in front of the eyes.


9. Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is another dangerous complication of retinopathy. Most often, it is manifested by the appearance of shadows, fogging in the field of view.


10. Laser coagulation

Laser coagulation is one of the most important treatments for retinopathy. With the help of a laser, “newly-formed vessels” “cauterize”, and “retention” of the retina also occurs.


11. Another method of treating retinopathy

Another method of treating retinopathy is the intraocular administration of drugs that block the formation of new, pathological (“bad”) vessels.


12. Maintain satisfactory control of diabetes

However, the most important treatment for retinopathy is to maintain satisfactory control of diabetes.


13. Your target glucose values

In the presence of proliferative retinopathy, too rapid a decrease in blood glucose can worsen the condition of the fundus. Talk with your healthcare provider about your target glucose values.


14. The presence of retinopathy

The presence of retinopathy is not a contraindication for the birth of children, however, if retinopathy is in the proliferation stage, it is necessary to treat it before conception.


15. It is recommended to avoid lifting heavy objects

Also, in the presence of proliferative retinopathy, it is recommended to avoid lifting heavy objects, such as weightlifting and prolonged stay upside down.